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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 3/Question#11 (reveal difficulty score)
A 62-year-old man with alcohol induced liver ...
Spironolactone ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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oepSilnotconar has a lascpie seu ni htcpaie tseasci (2F020A 90p)6.

ipelSoonoatnrc si eth drug fo occeih for laiiitn ntatmtere fo ictsesa eud to csisirhro

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cheesetouch  F01A28 519P +
mittelschmerz  nI aoptlr NH,T hte plsihancnc isitlvodnoaa ssreltu in a pord ni sicmtsye PB nad naerl shoeofyu.pnirp That sleda to SARA tanoitacvi taht isnearsce PSB hgnuoe to aamtinni lrean isne,opufr tbu eht itaaltorem-ddensedeo N/HO2a teenoirnt seadl ot tdeaoemsu ssaett a(csstie eh.)re reagnitT tihw epnotsciaornol lalosw oyu to eattr eht het ulifd otnpcenom whotitu rgnpdisuti the asnecortsvcoviit tsecfef fo IgAnI htta si eht ynol ghtni ninmanatgii nrlae oifpen,usr ihchw si hwy snretaoncolpio si tcrorce r,ehe but salo why briginprecs an iACE or BAR ni a hpetcia pitaetn ikel sthi si v v ab.d +15
nbmesucks  I tsuj took ti as tshi ugy is on a pool reucidit os 'she nonag oles his mu.patsios oS ot menizmii siht we evgi a spotusami siprnga du.iircet +6

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