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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 4/Question#49 (reveal difficulty score)
A 27-year-old woman is brought to the ...
Inferior alveolar nerve ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—waitingonprometric(264)
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eFirgu omrf isht pprea hossw het ecrosu fo eht erirnoif aoarvell n.


neIfoirr aaollerv .n is saol imssetmoe daclle eth oreinrfi eltadn n. bc/ ti ssupelpi tnoiesnsa ot het eworl t.eeht

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j44n  hwy dutnolc ti eb the alralxyim tre?yar setnod hatt nru ghoutrh teh ajw sa lwel +1
hiroshimi  4:4n@j lMylrxaia rtayre iveg a hnbcar dacell fiernior eavrllao teyrar tath treaslv htiw het ifnrrieo lvleoaar .reevn ehT ylamlraxi yreart setfil lwli rvalte pu nda igev rbnheacs rheto gdnniulci hte didmel nmalenieg yraert unrado eth .lemotpar oS gsnyai ylimaarlx si too abdor I ktni.h +
sexymexican888  shTi this is so fcnguik onnniayg ALOM tsi os ikcugfn hstiyt how etyh kas uosnseiqt on hist oyu nca idfn or AF +
chaosawaits  lAl I oknw si I antw ot ese hsti cautla 'esipnatt entoug to ese ohw it si "ton j"urdein +
thatmd  WU sqonetiu I:D 00026 +

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submitted by โˆ—pfebo(13)
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hTsi seqoiunt si abotu eht erhte sbrnhaec of hte grmtelaini renev V.N()C aintePt ahs merkda eeamd nda tnendrsees fo awj, so it scaloet ot lbdmairnau rbcnha hwhci cudsnlie th rreiionf lvaorale en.vre

teLovar albii sierusirpo is aptr of eht Mixarllay hb,nrca eipattn udowl esrpent mnusenbs in arae nad sx fo biratlo forol

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