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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 1/Question#38 (reveal difficulty score)
A 69-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
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submitted by bingcentipede(359)
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G sepeerrsnt the armrpiy rnsaoyetsmsoo aear of eht laarepti l.boe ehT stme ceidbesrs a 69 c()ine ayer dlo onwma wiht ysesron sieuss no eth ltef eSh eenstsrp /w a kbsiinBa igsn no het let,f aeedsdrce icatsmo estaisonn in eht fetl o,fot hraeagiaspeths enwh( uoy "daw"r a nrebum on enems'oso sink dna thye a'ctn prieetntr )it no eht tnprlaa fasruces fo eth o,ets edcasdree tpoosiin sense in eth .soet Teh itqsuneo sysa rteeh si an tmeoadsue raae in the rcreeabl tcroxe fo hte girth ehpsimerhe.

I dah uobterl thiw ihts, but I hiktn is't diecsbrgni aersoytsnmoos baeescu of teh ssoreny presol.mb no'Dt untdnesdra het NUM ilneso Bi).nika(bs reHse' awth iapeiidkW s:yas o"esiLns fnfeicgta teh rmpirya ryomsnoesoats creoxt repucdo taccairhctiser otpmymss idl:nciung hiap,rshteaages rnitoesos,agea aem,seiphshyhite and sslo of o,itnivarb rpieortconopip adn neif cohut u(becase eht ridthd-roer enroun fo teh aemililecml-nsda htypwaa tnoanc enyassp in eth cr)xe.ot tI cna laos rueocdp hgle,itmnece if it aceftfs eht -ooadninnntm eir.mehpshe Duonitrscte of nmbdrnao reaa 3, 1, nad 2 tseusrl in aotraenlrtlca msihehsayeipeht adn ists"goserneoa.

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mittelschmerz  Teh nBibkias pdetpir em pu ,oot erse'h wtah I :ufond yiS"tx etcrepn fo het TCS bfeisr ioitagenr omfr eth rmraypi ormto o,cexrt erotrmop ar,ase and latemyusnpper ortom .esaar The dmneaerri gitareosin mfro amprriy seryosn e,rsaa the aprealti ecxto,r adn hte mocrupleu. gDamae heaynewr longa teh TSC nac srtlue in eht senceper fo a ksniabBi gsi"n. fmor Nmntb0b/ +18
yourmomsbartholincyst  I ktinh shti sotuenqi is remo msilyp batuo the toloaprcihpga geanamrnter fo het humuloncsu (hciwh I ecno aaign mhsoewo aedgmna to fpil dsaabwckr nrigud hte ea.)xm wrLoe eymxretti si lipclorohayatgp mppead to rmeo ladiem tioprons of eht snosmyooastre et,xroc nhcee ltreet G dna hwy ACA srktoes ndet ot ffecta eth LE moer. cls,nouHmuu uro oaeftrvi ku,hn A02F02 gp 502 +17
j44n  rueyo nugldcoci teh MCA bwol oflw frmo the ACM flsow frtno ot ackb so if you cducoel hte oncseit htta oevrpsid olodb fowl to teh rtnlaeecpr guysr oyu liwl loas odcluce the tosnice taht ilepsusp het yreosns t ironoppstobt.ooeonesthamfs-cpacwtr-y-ntt-h1scclal-/uhnsfhe/oeay-p-/maepwiwt/odbior-ovuretehonm-uys--hnae-gr-:-s/tol-nrren +
j44n  cxseue me i mssi oepsk sti the AAC ueacbse its erh lsge, kolo at ugfier -24 in hte likn no ym povrsiue centomm +
j44n  so if uyo have ootrm dna reysosn eth ictrfan is in hte opniotr ahtt goblnse ot eth oromt ,nrotoip if you vhae osnsrye noyl ovyeu ducoclde hte rytrea rmoe iltlyads +
jy1544  I othhgtu G saw ctndgiiian eht arpmiyr toorm txrceo ni hte talrnfo eobl from a lmiaed vwie etrri(ano ot the aclnret c)ulss,u enhec eth awesnsek - adn eht syonsre bduessaritcn eewr edu to emeda icnafgfet eth dnacjeta orymoensassot txorce 1mkh2s_itf:tP/gpd/iigp/ng.sdw0s/a/au8bseer.ueie/tt1aj-b.r5e +9
juhee  Fmro deimla ltsatgai eviw fo bn,air het ucsusl eewebnt G dan H was limnagra lucssu nt(o lneatcr scul.)su It is noietesxn fo tcieuglna scs.luu dnA it is an tnlxcelee mkandalr to hepl oncrmfi het tcinlaoo fo het neralct uslu,cs hhicw si leotadc eno cusuls rnietora ot eth magairln ls.cuus So G si nctiandigi teh aimpryr oemonotssayrs 'eHser eth agem.i a5e4sr2aiaappi9eaet335mo310a2b93eshgdcl/1ce.i6//t.olppmg0a:t4yre4eje.r0td13gg318ir-a1e-d/69a/i_scfs3og +
chaosawaits  Thsi is luprey a nlcsohuumu eiut.qosn Ayn hfrutre tuthgho iont ti is usjt eirll.vko +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by sschulz2013(7)
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-ePcrtaernl rygs=u mtoro ificdet sem(luc nMNak) eewssU oelsnsi muercer)(b liwl usaec idsecarne efexlsre I( thnki of kibBasni retsenp as ey rfeepKIaxlhriD) if tsi' ekli srusize,e btu I owkn reziusse can statr tuo sa yprraim rmoot adn naxepd to eivlnvo teh nysroes xrocet sa elwl. eaMyb ti swa snixepano of eht eaotseumd eara

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j44n  i eeagr yuo nact hvae UMN isgsn suensl eht narpcltree yrsug is retfncdai +
smitt1  Is A juts the yrsseon tocrex nad orhefrete wutdn'ol lpainxe eth sbnUi/kMNaBi? +
chaosawaits  I have A as eartlla irmpayr osmnrsyatoeos c,exrot B as tllraae romto ox,etrc C sa alnoertfpr oecrx,t D as repusrio epmlrota ru,gsy E as argsuraalnipm u,gysr F as eadmil otranfl belo, G as mideal ramipyr yoomoeastnrss rtx,eco H as eaipltar oble dan I sa cl.tcpaiio +
rwd1027  代表J什?么 +
burak  它表代桥了 +

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