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Retired NBME 29 Answers

nbme29/Block 1/Question#19 (reveal difficulty score)
Which of the following domains depicted in ...
Domains 2, 3 and 4 ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: Immuno

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submitted by โˆ—namesthegame22(13)
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Immunoglobulin isotype switching occurs after a particular IgM on the surface of a B lymphocyte recognizes its matching antigen.

This induces the exchange of the constant region of IgM for the constant region of another Ig subclass that is tissue and target specific. The variable region remains unchanged.

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namesthegame22  "constant" region changes. +

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