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Retired NBME 29 Answers

nbme29/Block 1/Question#35 (reveal difficulty score)
A 3-month-old boy is brought to the physician ...
Sodium-glucose cotransporter-1 (SGLT-1) ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: biochem repeat

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submitted by โˆ—namesthegame22(13)
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LT-S1G is eht atrocoesnprtr atth rbsbsoa eaogtacsl nad ugloecs houtgrh eth ntatniiesl tyse.nctoeer Dycfeiienc fo hsti ynzeme fenmaitss rlaye ni faycnin as y,rtewa caciid areidrha nad esreev ednrtohia.yd

courFtse inrbaospto is uffteaendc sa hist izesulti eth LU-G5T ttrpersonar as.deint

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—namesthegame22(13)
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  • leusocG -o4tarsprnret T-4(L)GU si an -suinilnedteendnp tnoretr,psar iwhhc is rylriiapm lcdeato in sedipao tsiuse adn eealklts mcule.s tI esod otn pyla a oelr in eth etltsnaiin ibasntpoofro guceols or rhote hesidso.crnacoam

  • 5GU-TL si an iinuls-ndtpeendinen strrnortpae hatt asobbsr uretscfo fomr eth iltetasnni e.unml

  • 1LGST rrtotorsspeniac atth sbrboas loaatescg adn ouslegc rhuthgo eth ttlinsniae eetosnyertc

  • gcueRdin btcesnsasu in nuire= eidfedn as nbasodd rubie- or ardsom,enicoshca are npeerts ni het os.lto

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