This patient with homophobia has some functional impairment (2-week leave of absence) within 2 months following a stressor, with anxiety surrounding a single 'issue'. I approach adjustment disorder by ruling out other answer choices:
PTSD/Acute stress are only diagnosed following life-threatening events.
GAD requires >6mo of symptoms and worry about multiple issues.
Panic disorder requires patient to actively avoid scenarios that may trigger panic attack.
submitted by โmedicalmike(82)
This patient with homophobia has some functional impairment (2-week leave of absence) within 2 months following a stressor, with anxiety surrounding a single 'issue'. I approach adjustment disorder by ruling out other answer choices:
PTSD/Acute stress are only diagnosed following life-threatening events.
GAD requires >6mo of symptoms and worry about multiple issues.
Panic disorder requires patient to actively avoid scenarios that may trigger panic attack.