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Retired NBME Step 2 CK Form 6 Answers

step2ck_form6/Block 4/Question#27 (reveal difficulty score)
A 67-year-old woman has been intubated for 1 ...
Wean from the ventilator ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: Pulm inc

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submitted by โˆ—medicalmike(82)
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raiCrtei rfo ianewng ormf ort:iltanve

  1. O2 sat &g=t; 0%9 hiwt 0OiF&24%l=;t nad &P;EtPEl=8
  2. g;H2p&.t57
  3. giiIaitnnt btharse MI(VS soawll teptnia ot iiteniat hsba)rte
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tinylilron  eehrW can I ndif iths aoirnnioftm? I eavh ton hda my CIU oanotirt yet. I ese ni rtFis Adi tpSe 2CK hrete si osem ofoanirtnim ni the onlrmyaPu rtacphe tub it is a onlg ltis and hawt si het hghi yeidl ot ee?mmrber +
charcot_bouchard  lIitain aeciritr fro eubixtotna sdeasnrie cueldin - pH t 7q2&e.eguaA5d;t oxoanyngtie no nmlaimi utrspop .(ie 2OiF ;&%lt40 nad PPEE ;tml5c& )HIactnOt2 sriaropniyt rftfeo dan ififsctnue mlntea snlteaers ot otretpc eth ahe iw.sorayT how mtee het eticriar holdus nuodegr ueposnonsta gahtebnri itlar Trun( ffo nvittalorey tncuonif hiwle edibtuna.)t +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—step_prep7(71)
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  • 3 mroja reiritca rof uaxientotb fo patnite sldncuei (1) Hp ;g&t 2.57 ton( gainrenti 2CO) )2( uqdAeet tynnaiooegx on mminlai ppsorut 2F(iO 0%4 or lsse adn PPEE 5 mm Hg ro les)s )3( nttcaI strinyoraip foterf nad tuiefsicfn lmenta slanretse to octpetr eht wayrai
  • yeK di:ea As twih lal roteh nuiinrtnsetvs/eboet (yeFl,o eltrnca lie,n te,.)c we loyn nwat to sue meth as gnol as earesycsn aubeesc yeht era otn sarmsleh tseneinrvonti
  • yeK die:a F2Oi adn EPPE rea ernsispoebl rfo goctornlinl nnogotyixae ewhil on naelro,ittv eerhasw aldti vumelo dna ytoipasrrre atre hhi(cw enhw diipulmetl aseqlu utinem ttvni)elaion rea soslnerbiep orf neilainottv O(C2 lslve)e
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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—tinylilron(57)
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Where nac I nidf tsih mfoinn?oriat I aveh ont had ym ICU ootatrin et.y I see ni irtFs diA tSep 2KC ehtre is some nanfrtioomi ni eht urmalnPoy hertpac but ti si a onlg tsil nda wtah si hte ihhg yilde to ?erbememr Wath is a ood,g tsfa, eays to seanndtdur coeusr atht I can ?seu

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nayyyy  WolUdr IQD 11162 +4
rkd  NBB voied on almihnccea inttvnelaio si too odg.o +

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