aPtient ahs nssgi fo a lsalm boelw irnsotcbuto loinaamd(b sein,odttni mibondala ipn,a viotmg,ni hiptgdhi-hce blwoe susnod with rf-iuiadl vllsee on a-r)yx
toMs commno seusac fo asllm olwbe icbtountrso aer n,eohaidss neraih and mly,incanga btu isht aepintt ash ira ni eht lievr hhcwi is cyalilasb oompthninacgo rof nsegtlalo luies a(nc loas aevh rai in eth abyiril )eetr
ehS has signs fo a slmal lbwoe sbrntiu.otco no hx tlgienl us yan herto e.caus htWi ari ni hte e,rvil we hktin thta ieotsmhgn hsa tnylcree sasdpe huortgh ot ekma eth bile utscd elatid.
submitted by โcarolebaskin(109)
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rmainpgC obainlamd pani twih insnte,tido VN/ slduoh meka yuo nkthi OSB
ufil-irdA lvlsee in teh llams eowbl tub on sag in het cnolo lslet yuo it's na rppeu GI isues
reHiyetcvap olbew nousds + nmieabuiplo = gloslanet leisu
eyVr efw sintgh ptu air in eth irlev