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Retired NBME Step 2 CK Form 6 Answers

step2ck_form6/Block 4/Question#33 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Serum thyroid-stimulating hormone concentration ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: pharm endo

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submitted by โˆ—yb_26(316)
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ulihtmi can sceau doytiiyoshhrpm yb inteerrgfni ihtw almnro syhessnit adn eerales ho riytdoh noemhro

  • arett htwi inhr,vyetloxeo on deen ot ecnidnstiuo hituiml
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submitted by โˆ—carolebaskin(109)
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tA nbai:eesl

  • reumase ,rC aC, ,AU NBU, odtyrih nnctuofi


  • imrnoto THS 1q-m62 adn neppeltmsu wthi T4 rhtaer tnah citnndseoui miuihtl
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submitted by โˆ—step_prep7(71)
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  • iPtneat ihtw rlopbia rsddrioe who swa dttsare no liuhmti dan ahs irnecpexdee gihewt gnia otsm cnsetotins with a citprue of ihuudclimedint- iyhmdysothproi
  • yeK ea:di Pnaettsi no ltmuhii hlduso aehv grelaur HTS nogioinmtr yeerv 621- thmosn egradlress of tssmpoym
  • Kye a:dei ihtiLum is cisestadoa wtih trphdysmhoioyi, gncernoeiph eabtesdi nudsipiis, nrcchoi ikyedn ssdieea nad phathrypidmeroaiysr
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submitted by โˆ—drmohandes(193)
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I did ont dadtnesnur ywh you tn'do echck rlnae n.uftncoi

'tnsDeo ihumilt tfafec htob ohyitrd adn nd?eiky ,oslA esh has no accllnii snigs of ootrihp,dhyimsy so I udfiger ew eend to ckche rhe nrael

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sassy_vulpix  hSe ahs hgeiwt gani ;&pam lespe adisucesrtbn (? ton reus if thsi is trurecn or befeor mtdicin)eao +2
drmohandes  ruTe, tath tnnrimfaioo dculo nptio ta o.Tyhp +1

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