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NBME Step 2 CK Form 7 Answers

step2ck_form7/Block 3/Question#38 (reveal difficulty score)
A 72-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Exploratory laparotomy 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by step_prep5(246)
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  • Oreld onwma wtih ioyhtsr of brtase ancrce onduf to veah cnergiansi dbnolamia ihrtg, tcasies and a feidx ndoenrent- ladeaxn asms smto giccnonrne ofr oanraiv eccnar
  • eKy :deia avdeAdnc vianaro craecn nftoe saerdsp to the dnaablmio vicyta,  sotoeryaplxor tmpooaaly rwiht eacrcn ceesonitr and ocniesnitp is nddeee ro fsgaicrlu taggins
  • yeK  a:ediuI-eadimdegg ipoybs i saotacndreidcitn, as it cna peersiposd ot ibamaonld vctiya egesind
  • eKy aied: sAtcise in a sounpaoempstla mwaon si lwysaa oiclgatohp nda is eth inigro fo eht pactlyi smspomyt fo rylae tsteayi, tiwegh n,iag tc.e nese in dncdvaae aovnari erncac


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submitted by seagull(1933)
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I lteirlyal daster at eht rdow lcec-aud""s- fro iekl 30 oescsdn nad gthuoht to sfmely - WTF is h?tta Thne lptromyp disesm eth t.eqiuson

..PS ts'i teh pochu fo sugloDa ocrueentiet(r )p.cuoh

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jlbae  I vledi no a sucl-ae-dc as a dk,i os sbaiyllca I wegr pu ni a cneeureroitt ocpu.h .F +4

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submitted by charcot_bouchard(574)
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sAiestc &m;pa exndaal sasm g;&tg;&t llFowo nxadeal msas Eupne vwork if uyo lowfol stceasi ortplooc - sna is cntsiiaodg acstiaren,sep otn ei.attrhcuep

oS eher you do UGS + AC 1eh2e r5T nca be 4 bmioainnotc -

hHig kRis aUSledeEG +vt .5C1A2 Wrtos ecsne mgI&gn>;gait whit CRTM/I yxarrloptEo PAL

giHh Riks oS+aNUlr Gm AC251. amiiretndeet eesn.c Also do maes sa erpv. eW turst UGS em.or

wLo iskR EteaelGdSv+ U 5A.C12 rdeamitItnee tuB eerh od noyl gii.gnam AC 251 is ssel tetba.srlu

oLw kRsi SGU erauetf + amloNr CA 512. etsB ecesn. U do trfrhue gmianig nad AC 152 lyseiral ot m.niroto

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azibird  eAreg hwti tish kpow.ur uBt eicsn US dan -1AC52 rn'aet ,ffderoe hwo si lpxae- the mtso prpparetiao txen p?ste eemsS idbycelnir grwno ot do rygersu woiutth eht ounurl,dtsa dwtl'nuo eth rnogsue spla ?ouy I ghohutt uyo douwl nede sngioehmt gitcdinaso os cesho pa.esceritans hsaPerp ti losuhd eb cdllae ntdioigcsa ieatsnd fo irteeapcuth utb stin' atth isllt rebett htna gihnurs iont eth ?RO +1

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submitted by nc1992(25)
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nslesU reteh is a niarcciaodtinnto cbueaes of hte eassic,t ti uwdol be na yxopoetrlar lopsparyaco nto a aypa.omlort I okto klaf on nOG-cYN orf saginy eth rgown eon

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submitted by niboonsh(409)
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os uoy utjs npoe a b__ up otuitwh ayn rhoet wpukro ?aohvwrtees pstuid uisotneq

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ak8  cawth ruoy !tomhu i ese hyw emnb is tgitsen aredrh on HICSTE now +1

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