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NBME 18 Answers

nbme18/Block 3/Question#26 (reveal difficulty score)
33 yo man, diagnosed with epilepsy
He is medically qualified to drive ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—feliperamirez(45)
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hsiT arivse namog sestat but in most of the asttse a -21 aeyr efre erisuze iperdo si qdiruere rfo tpepileci pateitns to egt retih isecenl

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baja_blast  'intdD eirzael I asw ni lwa osochl +44

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—breis(56)
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I am ont 01%0 no stih bgein re,ctcor btu I rybeifl eermmbre a sthtisiarPcy gnaiys htat teh enittpa hsa ot be eursize efre fro 6 smntho mniummi and rdrerepef ot vhea no sierzeu wtinhi hte tals 3 syare ot be tymaaopitsmc. oD twhi thta tamfninoori ahwt oyu .will tub rof d:rasBo 3 seyar.

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suckitnbme  osQnietu smet osla misplei hatt hte piatten ash bene rvnigid rlaeyd.a ah"s ont had nay osiillcons hiwle idirvgn hsi rseaopln trmoo e"iclevh. +19
cbreland  lAos 10 eayrs is a erayll gnol Jstu dt'ndi mees ikle a dogo swrena +1
vetafig692  nI het S,.U. lpeoep whit pepeliys acn idver fi hiter susreize era odlrntcloe hitw iaedctinmo or roeht etrttmena nad tyeh mete het icelnings sreuitqermne ni terih e.tsta oHw nlog hyte vahe to eb efer of iueeszsr rsieav ni nitfderef a,setst but ti si stmo iyekll ot eb ewetben ereth nohmts adn a ae.ry +

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submitted by mhmdreyad(4)
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i htkin this is cseaube tlas miet it aws onitl-nciocc eseizsau os he tsuj sak if cprbaaeinezma oevc ti or otn

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utap2001  To etg a e'dvrsir lncsiee ni msot .(U)S. ts,stae a oespnr ithw ypiepels mtus eb eref of reisszue atth eftcfa necnsscuoosis orf a eitranc perdoi fo .emti hTe sz-eueireerf preiod easvir ofrm atset ot .etats In esom setas,t tish odprei acn be sehrort fi udren tยดcsodor uspoiisr.vne rF o x,epamle ildFroa leenytrc dgnehca the ufzeiseerr-e ipoedr ormf 6 otnshm to 21 so.nhtm +1

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