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NBME 18 Answers

nbme18/Block 1/Question#11 (reveal difficulty score)
67 yo man, fine resting tremor in both hands
Alpha-synuclein ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: neuro repeat

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submitted by โˆ—wishmewell(59)
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I asw dsecnouf ewnebte pAalh- nScnyiule dna .Tau i hTs eaniptt has pionrasskn esiedssa adn hstu ew odulw see Aaphl cnieyn.lsu

uaT is ense in tianpest hitw ikcPs sedeais, aka rnroetpooFmlat teinmdae NDA hmilreesaz iss.adee gae p 045. AF 2180

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baja_blast  FA 0219 p. 580 +
jbrito718  ehT ssorg iagme aosl oshsw eth lmadl,eu ehwer ouy cna ese oesm sdreskna rdnaou eht eg,des avientrterep of the anssibutta nirga chwih is ceatfedf ni knsrsoP.ina ohAnrte htin +1
epiglotitties  *eTh ssrgo image osnwh is fo hte brmni,dia the meiga on teh left was fmor a lnroam xp nad no het ithrg our xp whti ors.'asknPin priCmonga sih srosg csmnepie to eth tconlor we anc ese atigpitnneeodm rnerpeess(t teh ossl fo acidgmeniorp u)rennos of the utiassbnta .gnari +
namesthegame22  ylmoidA pelsuqa dan naolarmb atu mnuaoalccuit rea laihptcgoo emasrkr of idntme,ea lehzimerA tyep. Aydioml sauqpel are lecxaltalrure ienoprt nucictalaosm,u lwhie aut ofrsm prtsolciacinmtay nda rluaxelarlcet nteprio letgnsa. +

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—andro(269)
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lutIrllnaaecr sreaeagtgg in degoenteuvrareien iodsintnco :

lahpA cylsi-uenn a irtepon mnylai uodfn in entamrli oasnx cihwh nca geatrgega nda dtpoesi clylaairetlnrul to rfom Leyw soeBdi .eeh Ts era tsacaoseid hitw hte evnrereongtuiadee nicnstodoi .1 Pkrassnnio eseasiD 2. yLwe yBdo aDtnieme

frubrriloaiNley stegaln - yhhyoehrtlrpeaospdp uta noteirp , rbnume fo gtslnea ctearelors tihw egrede of deenimat

Pick dsibeo - ohrayosdhrlhppyepet tau . eseth rae dnoru tagsrggaee tghouh ni nrtotcas ot byflieilruoarnr eal.nsgt enSe ni premnlFoatorot mendaite dan orthe uoegndnearivreete icodnosint

orniHa iosdeb - ruartllnelaic rsatgggaee fo mdgadea tainc satifneml eesn ni asvoriu torrguandeveeneie toiidnosnc e.g AZ , ALS , ojalbkt-dfCteeruz sDiaese ( seTeh rea ton rlyela edtets no )

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