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NBME 18 Answers

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submitted by โˆ—match95(56)
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Tihs dlwuo jtus eb eth ramnol opnsrsee fo uro dneskiy ot ewhn we ton'd nirkd erwat ehognu ak(a jstu nar.lo)m

ixPalrom belutu is oisnctoi ebuseac we rea onebrgbrsai BOTH aN+ nad 2HO.

acauMl esadn is yctnohpoi seuabec ti is essginn eht sdilat doonclvteu lbuteu -- het stmo LDETUI prta fo eht eRmrembe hte ctrrrcetnnuoeu aeeghcxn stsyem - cikht eisgndanc ilbm si inglos CNal (neuri esgt ssle tcecntrenoda as ti .dan)sesc

yalrMlued celtlocing cdut is irnhocptey usceaeb ew rea oibaegnsrrb lal hte etwar nikgam the euinr more re.ndtaoetccn

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epiglotitties  Teh lclgtoiecn uscdt rae eht mnia seti of eruin ntioneotrcacn ynol when ni teh enpsceer fo ,HAD hgi?tr Nylmarol ti 'udwnolt be ?ecohrtinpy +
fatboyslim  ptsteiilget@io atg(re nmae wbt) eys ttha is crrct.oe WU# 6701 trtlislseau isth c.lieny nI WLO ADH ttgiesns i(.e. nto h)eddy,adetr ifdlu in teh clgotnicle ubeltu sha teh SAETL roityomlas i(..e ui)dl,te nda liudf bweeetn het eddngnisce dna nicsanedg opsol of neeHl hsa eht HTIGHSE o.otsmarlyi +

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