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NBME 18 Answers

nbme18/Block 2/Question#32 (reveal difficulty score)
Investigator studying vancomycin-resistant ...
Plasmid loss ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—match95(56)
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isnosiTtrnpao of het navA egen orfm cstcva-ymeintiroanns tsncEceuroco si who ti rfrteasns iacsstnere. Thye eus sntsosaonrp ihcwh era ladeoct on .spilasdm fI yuo hvea mdlapis ols,s ouy w'otn have rs,opsstnnao adn eanirtecss lilw .secrdeea

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azibird  hyW ta'nc sith eb a itonp umottni?a +6
freenbme23  I d'ont tknih thta htis misplie htta it natc' be potin a,outmint utb eharrt aimspdl lsso si eorm Asl,o het niotp nuitmato Wodlu evha to yttulleami aeld to eht mdsilap o.ssl +
thrawn  FA asys orsotipnsanit is snrlobpeies for tciitobina earticsens adn sasmlpdi rae rfo eafrrngrinst eth gsnee fo itxnso gho(tuh WU ysas lsoa atbnitioic tsca)isrne.e ekaM pu uryo simdn pleeehs +2
mariame  ehT otms ocmmon amVninocic nseraistt g,enes nAva dna nBav rae ofudn ni a str.oasonnp eeTsh eahv eebn errtesrafdn mrfo nscorcoEucte to a lurmditgu rseastince spadilm ni Sthap hte sepru irmgtudlu eenirscats aldmsip wno ctnnsaio tcnseirsae sgeen iatgnsa l,catasm co,anymcnvi ea,midnoiossylcg mrtirepm,hoti and oesm efcne.tdssniat +2
an1  rnw@hat I arecll ttah ,oot tub I hnitk ti adis ttaoripionsns wsa icttiibnao resncaesti dna WU idas nnoratsspso swa rfo ilumt gurd sreitesnac +
uasid  ehT lpdsaim si slto ingudr aribeatc taorleipnci โ€“ nhwe DNA si nbieg ptc,eariled eht impdlas is tno saalyw rtcaedilpe nad sespda on ot nsqsebuuet ,iasneergnto epelcaiysl if rethe rea evrelas segnaointer of cilatpn.ioer +1

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