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Retired NBME Step 2 CK Form 6 Answers

step2ck_form6/Block 3/Question#9 (reveal difficulty score)
A 50-year-old woman has had progressive ...
Echocardiography ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: Cardio

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submitted by โˆ—keyseph(99)
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hrSap chset inp,a luagrju uenvos t,osidenint ragenedl lbruaolg caircda st,utehloie nda uesffdi onfienscpic nTg-tSesem hasegnc on GEK lla ption to cedailarpir fdaorefac/isicun mpnetoad.a

etxN ebst pste lwodu eb ot avtueeal tiwh crraophhoe.igycad

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submitted by โˆ—osler_weber_rendu(160)
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hWy tno sepsea?iacntr

aSrph hesct p,ani VD,J rdeneagl lagruolb ciarcda lheteuotis, and onsipeficnc snetgS-mTe gahcesn on KEG all itnpo ot idircarpael ioeufsianc/cdafr eamon.ptda

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aneurysmclip  Tatsh hwta I coshe oto, tbu eth nptitae tsin' in euatc ssdesrti os we n'tdo edne ot nriad dlfiu ithgr yaw.a I edar a cpuelo of arlsice,t lal dsai het esam i,htng if peanitt is nayoahlcmldmiye elutbnsa nteh oyu do teh etacpsraeins. ihts etipnta sah ahd het smypotms rof 4 dysa os uyo cna wiat iltun snaoiidgs ernoicdmf dna od hte rieitnasrpcidceseo uednr eaimg ugidnace tc.e s2tpe ltMsbeeudl lsao sasy oyu nca enagma anievtyceorslv tub ltmyos the gloa si to tge iflud o.ut oS Im' just iegemmbernr to opek eht leened if teh apttien skci sa ,hsit btu fi teh piteatn esmes easblt hnta you lousdh teg het he.oc +3
encarnme  Do uyo eman sscparcseaiieie ?cittnsrPrnadeeo oudlw be euds ofr iatcics +5

My guy your confusing paracentesis with Pericardiocentesis

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