nLiogte lgimana is a pyte fo almnomae 0(22AF0 4)8p,4 ehcen ywh ti si mtnrpatio teh liosne si c/awlrokbnb ihwt arrrliuge ersrdob nda glaenirng l(al hlaskrmal fo .name)amlo Teh oypsbi etodipcnirs aols ftsi gietnlo mlagani, but evne if ouy era ont a hisptalotgo teh iitnrcsdoep ttha ifts crance nad nda pi"yatlca cntee"lsmyao hulsdo ionpt uoy to loengti li.ngaam
soAachstin iragnscin is gkhetncnii atoncsai(sh asmne rlmeaidpe rpysaaiel)hp adn igdrnneak of snik in osfdl nda serecsa ectsadsaoi thiw uisninl aecrtsneis
tncicAi eraikssto is a egnpilrnamat esnoli atht is a llams, hgro,u eomuasheetrt or wbrhoins uapleqpulpa/e
nupmooCd uvens is a eypt fo oeml atht si lgltyihs eteevadl, wronb or ilhtg orbnw, nad ahs reglrau drsb.ero It si nto istg.nogwa-rf
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
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$279$49nLiogte lgimana is a pyte fo almnomae 0(22AF0 4)8p,4 ehcen ywh ti si mtnrpatio teh liosne si c/awlrokbnb ihwt arrrliuge ersrdob nda glaenirng l(al hlaskrmal fo .name)amlo Teh oypsbi etodipcnirs aols ftsi gietnlo mlagani, but evne if ouy era ont a hisptalotgo teh iitnrcsdoep ttha ifts crance nad nda pi"yatlca cntee"lsmyao hulsdo ionpt uoy to loengti li.ngaam
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