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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 1/Question#28 (reveal difficulty score)
A 12-year-old boy is swimming in a mountain ...
Central blood volume: increased; ADH (vasopressin): decreased; Atrial natriuretic peptide: increased 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by lfcdave182(45)
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dloC eatetreur:pm sCeaus raherieppl cntatirocosisnvo and rceatln nilvaotiodsa

  • Iendscare central lodob mvoeul &t-;g- rwLeo HDA eud to cieanedsr odolb lomuev oughtrh dnykies
  • rcsneIeda rceantl boodl vlemo t;-g&- aldes to raltai trechitn,gs idneerasc loeprad -g&t;- naeedsIcr APN elesear
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passplease  waht nrsoag rea nddeseoric n"tale?"cr I lntylaiii uththgo atth teh ynkseid ulowd ton eb itgnteg omre dbool iwth omst fo eht oodbl flow ngogi to the sugnl nda rhtae +1
brise  maeS (: +
drdoom  eth sidneky rae teh nlsug orf steaw rsutpdoc atht t'can be eldepxle aiv ryuo ebetrh.a hrneao(t awy fo ynasig hist i:s eth lugsn rae ekli teh syeikdn fo royu ho:umt siadent fo tiiganrnu out of your ,ohtum you "pee tuo" C2O ni eht romf of irdpexe ir)a. rltd; hte ksdniye aer very tialv r!ogna!s +2
mkayman  my dsmbsua was like hlgitra oyu pee ni cold wraet so atth seman rlctaen bodol lemuvo si up snice uyore' englitrfi mero oldob ni hte ,idsneyk DAH si dwon uecsbae ouy naawn pee nda PAN si up ebasuec you wanan ee...p redwok tou akoy +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by itsgoingtibiaokay(3)
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heT raicendse eheariprlp ioiroccsvtnosant ude to teh boy'ds tetmatp ta hate asrinntceoov seaucs oerm doobl to be etdhnus ot lceanrt asg.onr eTh oemr lbood htat snde pu ni oyur crntael aorsgn h,rate( rbn,ai otrhe svie)rca esasuc ndnstotiie of teh eth eltcnra dloob v,ssseel yamiln the eatrh bme(rmere teh haret si uytlacal tjus eno tigna oobld esel)vs. Wenh the reath seecpexreni an ansecrie ni emvoul ti seercest PAN adn P,BN wcihh rooemtp airrtsineus yb itdnagil het nfetarfe eoaie.rtlr Teh rngesutil ossl of iudosm rseceesad semru oiamystolr dan oyru doby sapmoeensct yb ecrsgniead DA.H shTi si yhw ouy etdn ot eep ni a dlco .polo

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fatboyslim  iNec peanxtaonl!i khTan you +
blue4415  In obs:isiDura smse xelfre urreen(GayH- )mlfexr aehnMceiss of icnaot↑ BP: rtlaiA etrsthc tercpesro itibinh DHA eseelra via naftrefe vglaa sbierf → ↑ teawr icoeetrnx yb het i nd↓kyse BP: ↑ DAH aeelser → ↓ rtaew ecenotxri by teh eknysdi +

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