eTh igtnh thta gto me drewsec was the ineers"sca hynesists fo m;"oosudpcn eilk htaw ?ocpndumos
I eawsr heyt tusj loev to asy siht ot ohtrw su fof shm
eirsb@ I ktinh htye weer rgernrfei ot hte ieopusrv ctropusd of eemh stsinhsey ttha udibl pu dylyni(tomxbhya,relhe eprpnnoruoohyg - ro evorhew het fk u lplse i)t I htink othes rae hwta ecsau het egbnsritli isetnohi,isotpvty im nuegsgis it is nices tsehe odnt calauteumc in euatc ntnmritetite opyphrair t&g;- no skni mmpytss.o tub eahy I egrea thsee ppl kicfgnu kscu
irde"orDs cduesa yb the cneideras siyhensts fo opncdmous ni teh nsik htat rae bjtcseu ot tiaticonex yb vbiiles "igthl = ;ehme sd
orD"eir csdaeu by kcal fo oncmsupdo ni het niks ahtt era uebjcst ot oatxntiiec yb ilebvsi gh"lti = lnemina
8es8cyinxx@8eam si r.gith Dr. Rnya ssya atth r'htsee na nuacctimuoal fo roenuhnopgrpyrio edu ot lkca fo RDUO chiwh sget xioddezi to .proroupnryih rrUppyronhio tnhe sget prraodsetnt ot the iskn ona(lg itwh engbi dfuon in asmpla dna ),nurei and aecssu het chreatcaiirtsc snki eisosln undof ehnw pxeeods ot .tilhg
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