aeocagrehpsaehTlo rateasi si aoadistces wtih escdaenir iomtacin nsyday)rolhpmio( ldfui edu to eth tbiiynila fo teh futse to lowlwas teh mianitco lfudi 2(2A00F 6p14 dan 539.)
ftCle pli is otn daoeicsast ithw wnolgwsila taniarombly nda eeehfrtor otn aessdiaotc tiwh hooarp.nyslymid
Eccaehnelolep is a rlaune tueb eedctf rwhee het bainr pderruots ogrthhu teh skull adn toin a lise-kca e.rnvocgi It si not desotaacis hitw psharomyoilndy hena(palceny hiwhc si a meolcytlep pneo llsku ihwt no ofbirrnae is iasoasdtec iwth nymroyolshpdia eud to kacl fo wwaogislln trenec in the )bnria
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
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