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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
A 34-year-old patient with AIDS develops ...
Macrophages ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: Immuno repeat

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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DR:TL; ehT rpreop oatmrifon fo nrmsgaoalu to wall off BT sreqriue CD4 hT1 lecls dan sargmeaocph

TB (meoaiccybtumr cruselsiobut) ngsbei sit efil yeclc dnisie fo eht gunsl by ibgen czgpdoeyhita yb rlvoleaa ahcesrapgom dab onuegndirg uarcllntielra othgwr and coletpiainr ithniw teh mehgroscpaa. idNtveNcatOa mgrshpaceao kcla het balytii to lilk BT. In a aromnl snr,epo omes fo het ahcmgapsreo will repesnt TB ignstena to 4DC slecl nda recetse 1IL,2 ungniicd itnfotiaiedfren to hT1 clles iwhch illw hetn gbine hte rscpeos of mgrnuolaa ratmifno.o No 4DC oTehcp-ltysmy nemsa on naiitvcoat of pmesocarahg for nlmgauoar itoanfmr,o so eht gopahcaemrs wlil ehav fiicnetde tf.nconiu

20F2A0 27p1 ash teh ptess of lmaoagrnu anooif:tmr

  • CsAP tesnepr egsinnat to C4D epehrl eTs-cll and etsrece 1L2I ot uscae iaitoeftnrnidef tino T1h clels
  • T1h lslce secrete agamFImN to aeivttca easmophrcga dan niecud unlagmora riamfonto
  • iettAvdac agepscaomhr aevh betetr arelilarlucnt lkiglin fo opnhsetga shuc as BT dna illw ancieres neoktciy eseotricn .g(.e aNahl)FTp ot suaec ntmfioaro of iieelothdp gormacaesph dna agitn clles
  • FaalThpN si ssrceyean rfo maeneincant of armanoguls

ETON: Langhsan gntai clels rea rfoedm by ctedtvaai grhsapceoma aretf lunaaromg imoatrfon sha bene ryalade neeb dtitiaien

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submitted by โˆ—namesthegame22(13)
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olsA ht:oynotwre

eMscrgpahoa ear cadetrtat to teh raea of PPD xpuroees avi the atoicn of Th1 yycsthlompe ni estinatp isvuolyrep epodexs to TMB. hyeT aer the itrepmnodan lelc ypet funod at eth teis fo PPD xreoueps t(he raae of sink eictinjon at 84 orshu, nehw 'ist ad)re and also ni eth lgsun of tiepnast whti lanuypmor ouebuics.tslr

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