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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
16-year-old girl comes to the physician ...
IgM ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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ehS has pMloyasmca eoanpemniu iwhch sseauc lakgniw c,atliypa( ralttinteiis) pmiounnea adn enrisaec in locd ugantgislni MIg()

20A2F0 1p05

fI ouy rea a eckytsh rpeons hhci(w I ma n)t,o I am tyeprt uers plmaMcyosa si itcpdede ni het dc,ol or as a ygu no issk in rugd ose,n hhicw nca eplh you reebmmer dolc itg.agnlsiun Aosl ampysaolMc &-gt; gIM eht( eretlt M.)

lAso fr(o monumi srned or ata)nzioeis,rlr gMI si het frsti obindaty ot be pcruddoe os it wudlo ekma esnes thta oyu wloud aevh MIg tsih rlyae in hte niciteofn hchwi anc seuac lcdo ilnioganutgat (she hsa lnyo bene skic orf a efw s).day gIG aussce awmr olaant,tunggii wchhi si iyptaylcl nees ni emro norihcc osspscere leik LES dna LCL 2(A020F 2)p34. No aedi if that is the aactul imshanecm tub ti si woh I pkee hmet hasigttr in ym idnm nda makse n.sees

unscramble the site ⋅ become a member$279$49
flapjacks  As a s"hckyte n"ospre dan nto a azretri""alin,o I acn oricmnf hte amMyacopsl has erd dbloo lcle ""suckp aingudgelzti w ith IMg ewfknlsaso +27
j44n  Just ot ,dda seh has rtititleanis sfittalnrei so ist an lapctyai unonepam,i no hetro nidk of tyialapc mnneuapio woldu auecs hemt ot aveh ntigona.lgaiut 'mI nto a enatrzilraio 'mI a vimssae over hnerikt +2
sexymexican888  Yhe,a mi a techksy enpsor o!to eiSd ,eont orf utaioenumm eocmhiytl iaamne I emmerreb ti isth w:ya MgI &;tg- Me d,olC go DSNIIE ol(cd innautaigtolg, urnsialcaravt islo)emshy IgG ;-tg& Go eitudos tis OTH (ramw t,utignaingaol xcraslvtauear lm)syeisho +8

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