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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
A 65-year-old woman with a 20-year history of ...
L-3 to 4 ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: anatomy msk

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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ostmeemDar! Y)A(!Y osAl ese 22A0F0 24p5 ofr eowlr xieremytt rv.eesn

T01 oademmrte si hte llvee fo eth b.csulmuii

L/2L1 owdlu eb ueprp daeilm and iaretnro t,high ton dwon to teh o.fto Teh msto ommonc dszbrzowu orf uiryjn (sles ykilel aiv eth cemaimhsn ni tshi qeotsu)in uldow eb bntsea aercrmicest xefrle as thsi is where eht agreoftmlneio reenv rsit.anegoi ehT sicrmetarec rneve si lsylauu ridneuj ni rcciopasplo euryrsg.

/34L is ocrrect usaecbe sith srsndeoocpo ot teh orctcer mdeaotmre rof eht gosiohtn inap.

1/S2 is sicdaatoes wthi cciaatsi stcc(iai evren is 4L3S,)- cwihh owdlu eb a oiogsthn ipan ennigngib ni teh uskcbtot nda ooihtnsg dnwo to the lhee s(ee ormasedemt.) hiTs is otn ecdbedris re.he Aslo ihst si less kleyil eubcsae hte acasrl alispn docr si udsef and ssle keiyll to egt obyn hutotwos.rg The tmos moomnc saecu of icatsaic is an L5 ugnglib dsci isgcnau 1S poosrcmiesn.

54S/ nyjuri si actisasoed whit lneipraa mubsnsne dan ptaltoein cfale toeannlde(idncenpeucn nvree si .S-)2S4 revoHwe hsti junryi lowdu otn eb atpyliac eabseuc eth arcals ilspan cord si edsfu adn lses yillek to have oybn httgruowos snuagic csompi.nsore

unscramble the site ⋅ become a member$279$49
waitingonprometric  I eawdsenr htis quieosnt a ittell tierlfnedyf, dan it himgt lpeh osn!oeem I thhgout oaubt the oipisdtcern fo eht modamrete ginog oevr eht enke tojni ni rtmse fo tawh exrsleef het ernsev etehr wulod be .ie. htsi duwol be teh arae fo teh versne atht temeadi eht llatrepa freex,l chwhi is 2,L-L4 ehenc eth erasw.n eT h onempcni I ylaaws use rfo resxflee S2-S1 :is "uklbec my eohs" lc(sleAih -24xLLerf)el ickk" teh o"dro praet(all 5e )CClxf6e-r kip"c pu csski"t pe(cisb -Cx8e) eC7lfr al"y hmet shrtgiat" itesrcp( xleLeL21f-) r sti"esletc ovme" ser(raemtc l -)fS4rex3Se siw"kn oglae"r (naal inkw ereflx) +15
passplease  aawdcgs@s tankh oyu fro eht onaexla.ptni aCn uyo epsale ilpaexn (ro oitnp me ot eth eo)ursc buato eth lsrcaa piansl codr bngie suefd nad sesl lyelik to tge obyn sotruh?gwot nhTak o!uy! +7

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