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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
A protein found in the brown adipose tissue ...
Increased ratio of oxygen consumption to ATP generation ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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ihsT enpiotr si na lignconpuu egtan l(ikyel nmtnreehoig wchhi is donfu in onbrw soaipde dna sesrev to cinsraee ateh oricdtunop. nouUlcgpni nstega will cesua saedrncie imeyterilpba fo eht amdtiorconih eebm,namr ngtsetsanieci orme eogxny oisopcmutnn ni erdro ot arnetgee teh easm ino i.gnrtade nSice reom eynogx si seoumcnd ot eartgene hte emsa ,trdngiae rmeo egynox odwlu be umdneocs to tergenae eth esma unmota fo PA,T os eht irtao of enogyx tpsncuinmoo to ATP rietoeangn e.sciaenrs 2F00(2A 8)7p

heAnrot awy fo kinhintg uotba hsti si ahtt eoxgny lilw itednunco to be desnocmu ot mtatpte to eageenrt het tgerdna,i tub the keyla mberanem llwi eeprvnt eth dtaeingr romf egbin edfmor pyelorpr nad eorrfehet envpetr APT rfom bgien .dreofm Tush there is the ames tnomua fo yenxgo uescdonm orf tietll ot no PAT geinb eadm so naiag het aroti of eygonx tnumcsnpoio to PAT ninteroaeg neisrs.ace sTih si cerols ot twha tacaully nehpasp in eht dyob utb I donuf ti aesrei ot kntih tuoba ti eht rfsit wya.

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feochromocytoma  cxlEyt,a teh oeclertn otrsaptrn in teh rmoaiodthcin wlil keep ngio,g utb ATP ensshysti udwlo o,tsp hhciw useacs onpcuitdro of h.eta +
thegout  fi eru'oy leki ,em yuo ikcped acesedred irtao of gexnyo to PAT in a raibn afrt iouttwh nghtknii utoab ahwt a atior ,is agtto reda het nesraws emor lufearcly ni nglo ugnrlige +16

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