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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
A 20-year-old woman has multiple ...
Autosomal dominant ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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Tshi si iauisooembNtfrors ypeT ,I iwchh si an lmtosuaoa ntniaomd diesaes F(220A0 ,0p6 5)52

Even if ouy idd otn nwok sith ,atcf ouy dulco kyilel sesgu souaomtal ontmdnia sebad on hte iinenehctra tnepart adn elerang aseesid c.ieesdrdb It si REYV MNMCOO ni eht aflmiy on oen sied het( he)tsmor adn it idd ont sipk a tngaineore. aAsmuotlo sevseicer ipkss eign.notaers oilrhotancMdi twih leiaarbv eaenecpnrt dolcu be l,spbseoi tbu eht dsseeia ntrpaet rof aodrmhloiictn aer yh,ipesmoat te,bmclaio or ticpo opn.athuyer -lneikdX udlwo ehva LAL fo the noss of eth hermot etfcfdea hethwe(r ti was ndmtaino ro s.eveecr)is

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abkapoor  ln-dkXie mandiotn yam nto hvae lal of the ssno fo eht emhrto eftcdaef if hse sevgi rhe teroh x omhcreosmo eadffce(unt .)scmomehoor tI is cctalenilyh eoibsslp fro itsh esiaeds ot lowofl lkiedx-n domatnin .cnaeirteihn ehT stniouqe ujst ruersqie uyo ot aeusms shti is F1N +4
jdc_md  fi it wsa Xtnonidma- not lla fo het ossn uwodl have ti saeecbu eht omm ooludlcudw/ tsom eiylkl be Xx pe.gotney fI eth atenihcirne saw xieesrvse-c nda eht eotmrh sossseepd teh penyhtpoe ehtn all fo eht ossn uodlw be ftcdafee +
abkapoor  stI aherctloteyli issopbel ofr it to be kedlnXi- ondantmi. tsI ustj nleluky.i +

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