usJt netadw ot a,dd in gnpeatnr owmne aodiv vignig eDycioycnxl nad tpo orf ilncaoecomrphlh. ehT saoBdr sleov igwhtcsni rfsti ieln aetstentrm in aecs hte rfist lein is gte,ircentao in vrfao fo the ocndes iln.e In lihgt of hsnaecg to ro,sabd 'tsi ployarbb ebtret ot ownk teh macisnmeh of tianoc fo hte trisf nle.i
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
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$279$49eTh peeanctrilt rhas bg(ingenni no eht tesxteeirem dna edasgrpni to teh nku)tr si tsirhtcacicrea of Rykco oniMantu dSpetot vereF ecsuda yb iktRaeisc sekciittir sewho rvotec si a tc.ik It rpesnset iwht cah,eadhe r,feve adn h.ras ehT attreentm for all of het iaeitltcsRk ssellnise is nexdcclyyoi. (A2200F p)051