Ulcerative colitis - young adult, blood/mucous in stools, erythema nodosum
Other answers:
Amebiasis - would expect travel history, liver involvement
Diverticulitis - would expect low-grade fever, LLQ pain, history of chronic constipation
Viral gastroenteritis - would expect watery diarrhea and maybe fever and signs of dehydration
Hyperperistaltic diarrhea - dunno wtf this is but a quick Google search says maybe it's a top secret code for Dumping syndrome
submitted by โsugaplum(487)
According to UTD there is an increased risk of UC flairs during pregnancy. This is weird because the rule is "pregnancy causes these autoimmune/inflammatory stuff to go down" and they love testing the exceptions....
UTD" Fertility, pregnancy, and nursing in inflammatory bowel disease"