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NBME 18 Answers

nbme18/Block 2/Question#6 (reveal difficulty score)
A 17-year-old boy is brought to the physician ...
"Tell me more about your concerns about your son's height." 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by azibird(279)
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htaW si going no rhe?e The mhetro is ont teh ,antepit why rea we lrgionxpe this rrhufte nhwe eht ons si lepemlocyt r?olnma I teg ti ttah we owlud ays itsh fi the teaipnt wree cened,nocr tbu e'hs otn adn 'hse lnmaor so ywh 'odnt ew jtus ltel her ahtt vtnriygeeh is ormlan? oiErngplx fherurt lwil orplybab make teh itenpat lfee s.eowr

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drdoom  hroentA awy ot raed eht stem si ilke hsi:t mAuse“s ouy wlil emka a mtaestnet atht ursesas mom ahtt byo is e.nfi Wath erhto tetastmen do uoy natw to cSiakn”m ?ee weer’ erdla*ay* siagruns mm,o the bste entx ghnit is to aks an eodnp-dene o.qetisnu eTe’hsr a eronas rof htis. sA a sniy,caphi uyo llyaer otd’n atnw to say remo hatn twah yuo ear ()1 eurs of or (2) geldiob “ce ttop.Ac mhi sa eh ”is = jdH.sgeuy’“ ont onigg to tge nay a”trlle = uyo do’nt kwon htsi ofr uer.s +7
cbreland  I dha it ndow enweteb hte crrctoe rawsne adn "uory osn is r.aagee"v edickP teh rgwno ne.o As tsadet by rdo@dm,o het tesm assy ouy eahv alerdya sduearesr that gnerethivy si i.efn It doluw eb a godo temi ot egt raetx ifon omrf mom sinedat of sya eth asme tingh revo .aangi ylRlae eht quneitso aveg su eht wsrena I( litls epdcik ogrnw, ubt elwl' od ttbree on tset ya)!d +2

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submitted by drdoom(1206)
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pRigennsod ot b@s’iarzid mtmecon:

hotAenr way to raed hte stem is ekil s:tih umeA“ss ouy wlli meka a tnmattese ttah rsaesus mmo hatt oby si fn.ei Whta hrote ntteastem do yuo twna ot ?amke”

Sniec erwe’ ay**eadrl runssaig ,mom eth tbse xtne tgnih is ot ask na oedne-dnep T’erhse a sernoa orf iht.s sA a ispi,cyhan oyu yerlla ’nodt atwn ot asy orme tanh wtha ouy rae (1) uers fo or 2() legiobd .ot

c“tcApe mih sa he ”is = dguj.y

’s“He not gnoig to teg yan llate”r = oyu ndt’o nkow stih for

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submitted by agraham416(5)
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I ilaindemte hits sreawn aceebsu het hrtmeo raeyadl etdsta erh ocenrn,sc wchih asw ttha 'hse srtohre nhta eth trha'fes hhgeti dan uoatb mhi ont nvghia a hogwtr ps.tur Is tath not a ocec?nrn

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submitted by amandlima12(1)
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alswya kas teh panttei et"ll me "emro stt’ha uyulasl lwsyaa eht arwsne ot ersaidsdgn etnatspi cs.cneron

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