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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 1/Question#6 (reveal difficulty score)
A 57-year-old woman requires intubation in ...
Acute lung injury ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: respiratory transfusion transfusion_reactions

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—brethren_md(105)
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nseaaei-strroTfndul tucea lgnu irjuny RL)AT(I is a erar tub uoresis seydrnmo ecrctaeraihdz yb euddsn ueact seaptrrroyi sssiedrt lofwoling t.isrnosanuf tI si feddnie sa e,wn tecau nugl urinyj )ILA( dnirgu ro wntiih xsi uohrs faret doobl uptcord dnnoriitismata ni the esnbaec of -tpldeiaorecaomasltsy risk rfoatsc orf IA.L

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drschmoctor  pthulersoNi ssqteeerued in npcieeitr nglu aer itegrderg yb ndoro tneigan .e.(,g itna keyctueol G,I)g cwihh acsesu aeeersl fo tsnkoci,ye finnamatmoil patyr ni het lusgn. +9
madamestep  'sIt mralisi to hte optpsyhha fo sispse rfo !ASDR Wredpadsei covatatini fo fiainmlamotn ucsfk hitw teh nlugs +

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submitted by โˆ—mousie(272)
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Is 54 intuems too lnog ot eb lihaypacctan nda wolud eht encbesa of hras ,cirai(taru rstr)piuu RO pl?achctyaian

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hayayah  s!eY athay/cgelpiAcicnallr dolbo uitfarsnson tarecino is within etminus to 3-2 rsh.ou ( p g 141 fo het 9210 AF sha a stil of mthe eeorddr yb t)emi +10
hayayah  al(so yergall / yianpctachla tessrepn ihtw eorm nsik gsdiinnf ,riariut(ac rsrutiu)p +9
seagull  ehT tmie hghrtuo me fof .oot I outghh ABO chsamtim snice ti eorcdcu nuorda na our.h I gtuhhot RTLIA duwlo aetk a itetll +10
charcot_bouchard  ysGu hltycaiacpna itecrnoa ot loweh dlboo nesdot cruco hmcu tcpeex rof tsceelevi AIg .idef so ookl out fro prve oyitsrh fo columsa oiicfe.tnn dnA it cna ehav lla ureafet fo tpey 1 HS gcdlniin h.bapsscmrono +8
soph  I aws epnsnhoytoi adn hgothu -.- +2
usmile1  eCtsh ayrX oedhws "atlalebir duefisf apiecsra ea.ieds"s iTsh si hucm omre anideicitv of RLTAI ntha shnxiaayapl wihch uowdl ahev hgeniwze nad slobpsiy irytpsrroea arster tbu on ulcata dmgaae ot het dlialAointyd erhet swa no aicraurti ro rtriuups oen ludow eeptxc ot ees hitw hlapxa.yanis +9
leemax  you aehv to olok out for- meeiedtiat(imm si epitrmociatn) is a-Aticcpeyi/hlcngalalr yuo ese epty 1 iteyatumea.ihic(ptzb sno,rmrwsu)g if eth oceirant sketa epacl thwi na h)rok(1htuin- of tpye wto itAn(yBod )ttoede-iwdma ytpse ereh , rncurasvatlia OBA( nliiaobytocimtu-y ese nhgbiarueomloi dna dun)ienja ro xraalaIDcsvtr(Cue and + csb.oaoml os) n'tod tgorfe -rfeblei moyhelict hrewe tykicneso tath ear dactuecaulm rnidgu ogtsera cusae het oe,iatcnr heer yuo ees reefv dan ti.lbhl cus ni tshi ,nqiotuse htey rae sagink oabtu etsotrdnrfnsuaae-li uatce lung rijuyn sa nees ni rxa-y ,onseiiptrcd and this si edu ot eth orodn yekciean-outlt Ab acts snatiga hsto usnritphelo nda urmployna htiaeollend ls.cle +

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submitted by โˆ—unknown001(9)
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notd be rcdtieatds iwht tgm.ini bhot nac tstar tiiwhn eiustn.m

woh ot elur tou ?

hanslapxaiy ulng nidginf g;&t HEEZWE. que(oisnt semt = on e)hwzee

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