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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#30 (reveal difficulty score)
An investigator is studying an outbreak of ...
Only cookies are independently associated with E. coli cases 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +67  upvote downvote
submitted by niboonsh(409)
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htsi usqtieno mskae me twna to tae an e icol okiceo adn epho i ldbee out

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caitlyncloy  ikcp C nad moev no was my ysttraeg :P hlep llo +2
thegooddoctor2  llo dgoo noe +1
sparta  LOL hnatk uoy fro iths nectmmo +

 +15  upvote downvote
submitted by doodimoodi(74)
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idD no one coinet ttha teh Osdd rotia on het pot tfle si gn?row Am I ssmgnii oishe?mngt fI ouy utclealac ,ti tsi' 6 utsj ekli eth pot rhitg .e..o.n

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mjmejora  ttsah lytulaca allyre nnuyf +
yex  Bcaeesu I asid so, psailep her...e /-: +1
doodimoodi  Cnat evielbe ew apy 60$ fro this pcar +50
aisel1787  steb etmmcon )oooddmoidi +1
b1ackcoffee  ahtt cugfkni wther em off no xmae. I saw liek si there an ffetce nmiadtiocfio by "Nto ndnkgiir l.m"ik het !ukfc +2

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by sne(59)
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RO t;&g1 etcsaidni nescidare ucrcocener fo vtnee. heT ylno OR reaterg tanh 1 was ni eth balet taht dcdiienat taht eht bucsjet tea icooesk ubt dni'td rinkd l.mki ,hsTu taht si eth loyn oen thwi a fagininistc cuoeneccrr

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For a more systematic approach. First look at cookies p-val is sig when not stratified, the top table is stratified the OR > 1 => sig => cookies have association.

Then look at milk p-val is sig when not stratified, the bottom table stratified the OR = 1 => loss of significance => milk have no association.

+1/- peqmd(74)

Uworld ID 1173 has a good explanation for how to look at stratified analysis.

+/- peqmd(74)

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by qiss(20)
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For ppleoe hwo rygaeleln dha btrloue rnaidge eth wot rh:scta

Frtsi :rhcat eW dataersep the ntiere poplnuoiat toni wot sealrml ipousaplont ot ttse ofr hte ekociso atffc.e In oPoalinupt A (aknrd ilmk) there swa na ddos riota fo 6 (poty ni het clatua .rct)ah In pPulnootia B idd( not kdrin m)ikl teerh wsa na dsdo rioat of 6. nScei eht sddo saorti rea ton 1, ew acn ccoueldn ttha teh scioeko vahe an tefcef adeessrrgl fo teh tnoluiapop e(i akdnr mikl plpeeo vssure ddtn'i idknr imlk o.plee)p

Snoecd ahr:ct wNe tse fo nusooppatil to etts rfo the cfetef fo .mkil In looPptaniu C ta(e icokeo)s herte saw an odsd iorat of .1 In piauPonotl D did( tno aet )cooesik ehret swa laso an osdd troai fo .1 This naesm atth lmik did nto veha na ceefft rvee dan 'dintd tiotrunebc ot the .deaiess

"lyOn ieksoco aer pdeinyeldnent sceasdatoi tiwh .E ocli cs"sea nsema taht noly eth ckisoeo csuae eth esdeisa ttowuhi eth teffsce of omigsnhte eesl.

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by pg32(218)
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Teh atcf ahtt eth dsdo aroti in het otp felt is iecrntocr mesak thsi niotqeus vrye c.idliffut It sakem ti earapp as if eth ioekosc aer useiaavct btu eth mlik hda omse eitroeptcv .factro oS nub.xsooio

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drpatinoire  odG I hghttou tyltaol het esma yaw sa yuo did. I dsreta at shit inoqetus fro at ltsae inm5 nda eksad elymfs sw'tha orngw hwit my .ttsstciisa +1

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by youssefa(162)
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tilylInia likm ignrikdn swa sacdsoiate htiw il.ocE utoekbra twhi OR.3=9 adn &.;00t0P1l i)gS.i(itf.can.n etfAr fsaaiticottirn ntoi ate soeoick nda did tno tae iskcooe OR ceeamb 1 idensat fo 93. iegnnam teh tiassioaocn psriedpe.ada eT,fhorere atgien csokoie aws a ronfuonedc dna etrhe si no aelr oatssncioai bneetew rkngiind ikml adn eE,i.iol.ncas..d.t 'skmil (teh rnfodueonc) nocnotubirti was ripelsbeosn ofr hte OR fo .39 ni hte fitsr .alcpe hsTi aws tuhredfre dtomsdneerta whti RO fo 6 ni eth iskoeco loaen .gpruo

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by sattanki(82)
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iTsh oen tehre wree four dosd ora,sit eon iprdovde urden cahe aetbl. Teh olny eno thta ahd na sdod rtioa arteegr ahnt .01 asw the batle in hte pot hrigt (ddsO Rotai = 6, I bvieel,)e hwihc enwh yuo koeldo ta het lsae,bl lde ot eth rithg nsewr.a

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by famylife(110)
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"An sddo iotra of 1 atincseid tath hte ictndnoio ro nevte rudne tyuds is yaeqlul lykiel ot ruocc ni btoh nA dods toiar rrteage htna 1 tsecaidni htta eth ioncodnit ro nteev si emor liykel ot ocrcu ni eth strfi goup"r. (wiriktessio./igpdkien/:toadr.wpOta/ih_/d)

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by xw1984(8)
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heT OR in eth reppu elft 22 elbat is ncreitrco, hchwi hluods be 6 (27263*/6 6)=, ont .1 Tihs seanm eht OR fo "tae so"okcei edso tno hanegc ftare ioiittntacrsfa yb dkn"ar l,"mik so andrk" li"mk si not a n,rnfdocueo nda ate" eioks"oc is pdenendeynitl oass w/ HECE kr.utboea

On teh oterh n,adh RO ofr n"dark ki"lm dhenacg a lot r(ofm .39 to 0),.1 ichhw tcidsenai kr"adn il"km tmhgi eb a fnrdonuoce ,nda re,reefhto is tno ldnytnenpdeei oass /w EEcH uobrka.te

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by an_improved_me(91)
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A eiuntsqo i emor lrlgyneea heav

sI it isplesob htta wneh uyo tfyitsar hte ,dtaa ie(.. mranopigc eht efcetf atht tiange ecsooki ah,s ni ppeeol who rkind lkim or ppeleo who od ont riknd lmki) htta eth osdd aorit lwil hows ifnciseigcan ofr noe but tno eht terh?o

Said f,lidrfeteny ni eth xmaleep ,abvoe ldcou atneig okcoeis in lepope hwo rdink lmik aled ot a anigtfciins ascnriee hte riks fo ont,feicni btu ton in oplpee how hwo idd'nt nirdk milk?

'Ive oolkde aunrod in hsit memtocn hte,dar and eahv esen eplpeo onmenit eth term e"etffc cmifo"i;dntioa is atht athw my pxelema aeovb woldu whs?o

In oehrt sdw,or if aigtne eocsiok + niirngdk lkim deasl ot a gifstnciain ,kirs but etinga iockeso + tno niigkrnd kiml has on adtiaoescs srki, wuold atht nmae that het ilkm sha na fe"tfec d"itmfciaonoi on eth ksri of tteggni ecifitnon in epolpe owh tae kcos?eoi

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by unknown001(9)
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tshi si a bonus

nhew dsdo otari si ,1 ngnimea no aoaoncitis,s

odsd tgra;oit& 1, chiwh in htsi qieoutsn is 6, esnam otanaocssii

erweh is osdd taori ? a) at hte tea icidoeod-nkto kirnd iklm olmn.uc cehen het sr,naew olny okcieo penydnetlnedi hiwt e cilo

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submitted by tyrionwill(22)
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ew acn kaem istghn ismlpe lkie siht fwai:y we tnwa to know ethrewh r,1Xo X2 crrltoseea ,Y we ujts ylsaeatrpe stet X1 dna Y, and X2 dan Y iyrcl.godacn eh nW etst 1X wthi Y, we rqureei on 2X o;uxersep hnWe ttse 2X iwth ,Y ew requrei on X1 u;exespro

We tste iceook iwth er,radahi wneh lkmi wsa tno udnrk po(t ri)hg:t vtseiopi W e tset mlik tiwh ,ardaheri ewnh on eiookc swa teaen olrew( trh:ig) agtnieve

clui:ocsonn nloy koiceo secotrerla ot eht iearahdr

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 -5  upvote downvote
submitted by lilmonkey(63)
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The kreowyd is ""e)LNNaTsNoPEc.tEiEdsID(DaY ihcWh in hnmau eglnauag amnse O"TN S.TOASEDC"AI

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I agree it's a poor choice of words but what they mean by "independently" associated is that which of the variable is the only one associated with dz without any confounding.

+1/- peqmd(74)

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