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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#35 (reveal difficulty score)
A 4-year-old girl has a history of multiple ...
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 +67  upvote downvote
submitted by atstillisafraud(217)
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aTnkh yuo BNEM rof eth ihhg tluiaqy trupscei. tI masek these xmeas sssert erfe dan olb.enyjae

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sympathetikey  seFel abd .man +3
zoggybiscuits  oehTs erlaSc ersu okol lube. o.ww +21
yotsubato  teh emas lrig soswh pu no so amyn MENB sxema sti ont enve uy.fnn sIt ustj like that poor dnkyei a'thst cut in hfla tath wossh up ni lla yeindk itsn.squoe +15
aneurysmclip  I ternud ym igetrsnbsh up dna wdno 2 imtse ot emka sure it snwa't ym htgerissbn singsme tiwh the .clrsea mI' greinldca ,ti BENM sdsant for t"alalruyN Bad at Mkniag sm"xEa . +6
peqmd  60$ a pop nda no oststmoirTapct.'.eh. awth aphnpe henw 'hreste a moopl.noy +9
peqmd  talcuAyl htey used rihet tsbe stfaeowr to naeretge giasm.e uoY hgtmi aehv haerd ti be,efor st'i lalecd MS .tPnia eiutQ .neyrgaled +9
feochromocytoma  It sfeel iekl yteh dercank pu het cotnrsta dna aurntisota on a morlna eye to kaem it kloo .u"l".eb. +6
rockodude  eonryeev tshea no mne,b but 'eyerht whginso oyu a ucirpte zeomdo ni of reh eyes dan hse ash a isyrhot of tmelpuli eacu/rtbasrfd ondwu hnaileg at het gea fo ,4 I feel lkei IO hldous at etals eb a osnroncieatid bdaes no het oevrlla cilalcni urcpite +1
feochromocytoma  Yaeh I otg ti grhti, 'tsi sjut fnuyn ttha yeth dt'no eus hheirg ialytqu iturcesp fro the xeam +1
djeffs1  ahtt si clearly a ramla ...sahr oh wtia mvn sutj tnpiilxaleo +4

 +20  upvote downvote
submitted by itsdrgoodwood(20)
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hTe gnioisdas is stOieenoessg empra.ecItf iassDee eusacs a etedfc ni Teyp 1 Clngoale atht ledas ot t“tilbre e,nbo”s eannmgi the atpniets ahev ufqtnere sefaructr twhi lliett ma.urat eypT 1 oeclagln si lsao a mjrao mtneoocnp fo the raslce -tg;& tish is athw eht cprteui saw itnignh at (i )h?itnk dan it uessac lbe“u .”slaerc heT cesalr rea trtl/snahetncnui os eyht oklo belu edu to glenrudiny oichalrdo nvis.e

lFnliay, tnpiaets evha oorp odunw ilhga.en nduWo reriap iwht ogtrlnaauni ueitss onvisvle pyet 3 clgaeol chihw is nteh dvreotcne ot ypte 1 ngacoell nudgri rsac oonfit.arm ecDetsf in ytep 1 agenclol boiusoyvl ’ontd llawo htis rossecp to atek apecl.

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 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by misterdoctor69(70)
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nDam nyoeerve uot eehr ilgkono at het seye enwh ym dssmaub asw khnntigi eth gril swa smsgini a aalns erdgbi ro ghostenim oll fml

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peridot  htaT si tritahgs up what I te:wro o"lw sanla "drgie???b I saw elik is isth aptr fo emso onenalictg fteced +
mkayman  lafom +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by adisdiadochokinetic(89)
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tI lelary sloko to me elki her ersacl vhae enbe p,ohophostedp aneyon lees oiecnt t?hta xD

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by gainsgutsglory(38)
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heS has tOgosissneee Ia.tfrepemc aAk tt“elrBi Beno ”Dz kaa aeloCngl Tepy I cfi.inyeecd U ende aoengcll epyt I ot kame rcssa rinnoalgau(t tsieus is ptye III dan enth aelleooesttrsapm and iczn rcactoosf hpel gdseit ntoi eth mrif ytep I .loael)cng

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wowo  AF 2910 p15 +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by syoung07(58)
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amf I dha amostl cidcenovn leyfms I wsa iloknog at smeo lecanahpit fsldo

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by sweetmed(157)
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I ieltg thothug her eeidvosrz lpuips wree hte .reolbpm tWah ngeusi cdeidde ot seu hsti .topho

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by j44n(141)
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usJt otarnhe spis poor meennotrvg utiotinisnt gnticut esrc.nro fI ouve'y edon MENB 18 adn nese eth clle mragaid iuegrf ti is eth iltelra cnlpneai

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drdoom  teh EMBN is a tr,vpiae -ootrfirpf cnrpooaoir.t vuliiindad .S.U assett seu its sotudcrp (.ie,. eth anoiicrtfceit ti sgive you nhwe you assp rheti xs)ame ot rdtemeein oyur ytiblleiiig ot terpccia ni iehrt .setat ubt yeht era tno a mtnrenveog .tntiye +1

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