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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 2/Question#5 (reveal difficulty score)
A 55-year-old man is diagnosed with coronary ...
Decreased adherence ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +63  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—lamhtu(139)
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letePlat rcaeeehdn dna aetplelt ngaatgiroge ear ffendiert nitshg nad htis crfdieneer ASTMETR A LT.O cukF ouy, E.MNB eheTs fifenceedsr osepuslypd ramett on msoe otiqsusen and otn no sh.oetr ehrWe si the ctyincson?se oHlel?

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hungrybox  degAr.e sihT is so ukfncig dsp.itu +
hungrybox  ri"Anisp tiiihbsn tpallete iganoeatrgg dan podruces a idml ibegeldn fceted yb ingiitnhbi e,yeyonxcolsacg a tealetlp yzneme tath si riuqdeer orf A2XT eys".tshins eaylillrt attgrihs romf giB ibonRsb +1
susyars  Im angno pueovt sith cb i ovle ot be rgith +7
regularstudent  Its' wylsaa a rehli,rbo roelhirb efniegl ot cipk the wngro aeswrn taht uyo ownk ythe nitkh si higrt. Aazngmi job MNE.B.. +5
j44n  yhea i tgthouh erdeaehcn aws het 1BPG otprreec stath' yeralad no the talelept +1
j44n  im soal gdal ee'rw tgeigtn despexo ot sthi roshe htis onw adn now wenh m'I in a etnsitg ncrete tbuao to put my fsit gutrohh a e.ecsrn +2
jurrutia  iiiba/GiiP tpceerro si otn nbiihedti by a.iprins Anprsii vesptrne teh grulpntioeau of aiPiiG/iib hcwhi si nto the asme as hitiningib eht petercor teslf.i +2
jj375  raijrt@uu I thkni uoy rae nhkngiti of ,loipodleCrg gprsrlua,e adn idiineptloc cihhw utgdnweelaor G3Pa2b eroexis.snp iiAspnr tiihsibn OXC rofheeret gbitnnihii TX2A dna peetllat ateggrina.og +
jbrito718  isTh is htawa I lcla a CFUKBYO estqnoui +

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—susyars(41)
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Im noang ghtif shti noe bcueeas AITNGGGORAE is medeitad by oexsiernps fo Gp I.bI/IIIa

If ryuo laeptelt nierecsas TA2X tath neasm si nnoga puereatugl RIAONGAGEGT yb hhicw rrectpoe? ... h uD

cnOe mI done tihw ihts stte dan eobmce a oahtisPogtl Im aonng dnse oyu a cpoy of ym olrnjua adn cehraser no ealptlet garitogaegn emteadid by 2AXT and Gp III/IabI and salo mi gnoan go vroe eervy nslige WFT NEBM tesoqnui nda roepv tehm os onrwg

Mbaey i lhduso gacnhe my ensaumer roefeb mgtnitiubs hsti

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corgilobacter  D.r ioT njlaoG r.J In the eusoh n.voeeeyr ALPSC +
susyars  oTi njGalo dwoul eb so ruopd fo me +
j44n  I geear 2XAT ruupea-gtsel the AP3G2b otrepcer ahtt esidetma gaeg.taignro +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—thisshouldbefree(51)
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A2XT etsnod seme to eimated iuntdicon of 2GaP3/b. g/41p093fa - PDA nigibdn to Y2P1R2 ncidseu paG32b/ isnepsxeor ta fsrc.aue ADP si edlreeas fmro p.tsne lO sutm ikhnt aoubt hte ndwo tserma n.stncoiuf fI AX2T seplh ngregoitaag via sgeianredc olbod wolf. if ew eterrohef tnod ceseread lbodo lfwo ew tanc egt eth tspl ot laetr raeedh rpleroyp.

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by xw1984(8)
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iglhsEn si ton ym rtfsi leugag,an ubt dwuol ti be islebpso hatt aernedhec is not avlietquen to iesahnod and shoewmo nareagehnetlcib ot airetagngog? I eefl ikel dgoni a ndeagir nchrmipenoseo tet,s nto LEUSM.

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by step1forthewin(2)
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anC eonmseo lepase arfylic the swran.e sI ceserdead nherdacee msae as dseaecdre ?gotngigaaer tWdlo;nu ibiniotnhi fo het IIIaI/bI rcepreot evepnrt aet?ggaognri

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xxabi  Im' not lyptmeloce I nhtik its ucesbea its n,rsaipi dan psirain et'dnso krwo on IIaIII/b .oercpestr Ta'sth ywh i ickedp saedcedre redaneceh fo ,laeetplts erugfdi atht aws eth olsetsc nhitg ot drseadeec rgogaatnegi ttah ltisl made snese twih isps'rnia nshammice of aic.ton peHo atht shpe!l +2
ihavenolife  iApsinr breeisylrivr hstinibi OCX wcihh delsa to daesrdece X2TA. 2XTA lormayln is a crvaonsctosoirt dan sdeincu tpelelat igatnro,ggea os ipnrisa tsiiihbn lptlaete eatgaonggir yb ldnyanpiwgo TX2A otn yb girittneanc ithw IIabII/I rtcrope.e uorSce( FA nad )WlodUr +22
fallenistand  In htis sea,c iobtihnnii of C-X1O by irpasin lilw salo cdreeu het muanot of opersusrrc fro scaaulvr ralccstiyopn tynsehssi, dvpoierd, rof xeepaml, morf airegdnh ll seetapttu.dtm2b.sniwlmwe9obcnnw:p6/.3vh.35ihp1//g/ +1
niboonsh  botininiih fo III/IbaI oerrecpt is teh mao fo a eeytplmcol eaaprets scsla of gsdru - tleciGryonpo baIII/II bima,axib(c ibifedpte,a tibof)ianr +1
t123  dBa ouqstnie - 2TAX useeutlgrpa IGaIpIIIb/ no pltest.eal oS niasipr tiisnbih theri peserxsni.o +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—madamestep(17)
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So xerobmonhat 2A ahs two :elros omPtreo ogtgaaergni (mrof rngulea laser)ee nda uaesc

Im' itngnkih 'dew ees ddreesace renhdacee cabeeus uryo'e ngihntibii raovcitsnistonoc nad ttleaeslp wlduo be lsse eliylk to eeahdr to FT.veh W seedcrnai agntoagiegr snee wtih XA2T is due to teh anleugr eel,aesr ichwh neth ogse on ot caatvtie eht .paleletst oS wlehi you letchalniyc do eacsdere het ictvatiy of eht 3Pb2Ga orseerc,pt tis' fomr a credeades sreaeel fo PDA nda otn morf a dtreci ioinibhtr fo eth crs.eeprto


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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—tiredofstudying(71)
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nhoiIinibt of IbGIaIIpI/ poecrerts douwl be eht samhnmeic fo hertei A(F 2002 4):11

o,lrClepdiog gpalsreru ro eoltinpidci iav itbiohiinn of iDc-nodPnAuti fo IIbpI/IIGa yb niblkcgo 2PY21


aibbcmx,Ai itfeedbiia,tp adn inbiafotr by tdcrei a/pbIIIIIG bnio.nithii

A olt fo eusnqisot wlil vhae yerv imrsial wreans hcescio no the lrea ,aemx tub rtehe will alayws be oen tebs nawer,s dan eerecadsd attllepe enahcreed asw eth tretbe wsaner .rehe As tesadt on myna heotr quseonti sarht,ed ether rea penlyt fo ckryti tuoesnqsi ot be tpeus abtuo, ubt shti swa otn oen of mhe.t

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woodmeister  haT'st nto wt'ahs ugsepttin. sWth'a tgseinput si tath ereth si ON tcorerc enasrw You avhe ot put rolsyeuf ntoi teh deah of eraethwv titw wtroe htsi oesniutq dan yrt ot gsues how uhmc yteh raec atoub eth ctaf tath inroeaggatg PGI/BIIAII( + ATX2 a)dedeitm dan nceehedar BGP(I eet)dmdia aer otn het asme ghnit. +1

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