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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#2 (reveal difficulty score)
A 28-year-old man has a blood pressure cuff ...
Adenosine 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: biochem metabolism acid_base blood_physiology

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 +95  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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refAt the cfuf si tied, the celsl dan siuset sldita ot the fcfu liwl nitoucne ncsmoginu ATP (gTtD;-P&APA), utb on refsh odblo iwll eb vierddele to ”arec“l tawh lwil be na antaccgluimu tnmoua fo PAD adn horet .ettloabmesi DPA s=oe(ied)nnA is iftsel a pyrxo of ncitusoomnp and dvsire aaoivsintold of re!isater otvnEiuol( si a!)mrts ansnriIecg AADoePensd/in ni a c“oall onenitne”vrm si a lsnagi to eth yodb hatt a tol fo onpimcsntou is ironucgrc eeth;r ,htus eertiars nad aeitesrlor tluranlay taldei ot rnseicea odobl lowf stera adn pse“ew ayw”a ablteoicm bscrd.ytoup

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lispectedwumbologist  roYu'e a ogdo anThk y.uo +1
drdoom  oS agld ti lede!hp +1
seagull  ryev wlle upt, ntkha uoy +2
eosinophil_council  tareG! +
aisel1787  lgdo. nkath ou!y +
pediculushumanus  efuiautbl laiexn!atnop +2
rockodude  this olapnntexia swa no rap wiht .rD Statra MIO +3
flvent2120  sJtu to dda on to hsi:t 20F0A2 g.p 7.29 LCHAK c,li(aumC H,+ ideesnn,Ao tLetac,a +K) si konwn to iaadvltoes uslsmce irgndu resecexi as lwel as tgurelea ishaeyttpmc teon fo iaertres ta erst +3
omarjenny  rD rStaat and otaaphm eialfd oalt eppeol dotn' emrdemocn mteh. +

 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by newrose(10)
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Can smeoneo clafiry ywh rscPaicylton was ?onrwg I nkew eht CALKH ihntg tbu rof smoe eanrso dah tboelur lnuigr uot ynclsapoctri ecsni ts'i a aitrlaoovds

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cassdawg  My sbte rsneaw rof hits si hatt the bets nwresa si edsneinao uesbaec ti is ikngas fro which is ovdnevli in eth mcaimnhes of ertvicae haipreyme (hwhic eiovvlsn rasilmi encshasimm to ueoutnarg)alito fo oodlb lfo,w chhiw novisvel ACHLK. ilhWe dsotisovraal kile GI2P )cicproyan(tl era dotavioasslr ti is asreleed ta a baes ellev by het lsgnu dna demoeiunlh,t dna rseeedtaal hriegh eslvel ni iennscast chus as m.anmtiionlfa anlrycPocsti si ont ersealed in ieceratv .eyarehpim If yuo ntwa a rfehrrese btuoa tecvia v aceivret pmr:iahyee ot/lo+h:1lBn+2lRa/ydee+eigjslons3/lpe/slcl3o4.gAafs5d+AreCor///scl9tooaoiw2eaeipLctte+.o/irrtm2%ps4imdF+. hyTe rae ohtb teeadidm yb ebtolaimc dmire.easntite sa dmneineto aoveb. +4
cbreland  I diekpc caiorclypstn rof teh maes rasneo. eneisAdn and eth hrteo CLAHK obaettiemls kmsea essen thouhg. I sguse 'ahstt wyh oruy esriavr/ieenst dleiat nweh kwroign otu +2

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by madojo(212)
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I ntdo' nkow if sith swa eth hirtg awy i thhoutg oatbu ti utb i ebmeedmrer HtLC.. .K.ehA ihsgtn taht escau slindvaatioo ni lskelaet smuelc

C - 2,Co H - H+, A- aoeinsn,de L - aeatclt K- K+

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drdoom  Tsih is ;tegar tsehe aer lla esxoirp of obaailmct,s ,e.i. e"tn" TAP nuo!icomtpns t&)(P-AP;TgDA +1
drdoom  sitmPosau gtihm be the neo atth s'eodnt mees ot tfi tbu erlcal that cllse eavh na +H+/K e:tarortinp llcse can cta as a ks""in orf ihhg lobdo H+; hyte et"ka p"u +H rofm( od,lob oitn c)lel ubt in" cagexn"he ethy heav to tup uot a K+ (to imtnaani a lamnro atriceng-ldeo.te)r So, sa doolb acid strtsa ot prcee ,pu elcls cuallyat tetm"a"pt to bnigr it ackb ot umqiurliebi yb nskgiuc pu +H dn(a tnugipt tou +K, wch,ih sa uoy yelrus aclrel ),; is the nteoimnpdra ncaoti iitnhw .l)ecls +3
misterdoctor69  do@ro,dm wdoul ouy alos enerutv ot yas htat heret si csarneied a++K/N APesTa taiytvci in na dcreeinsa lmoitcbae atets icwhh mthgi lsao uerntotcib ot reertag K+ leffux oint eth dl?boo +
drdoom  9trmosdr6e@i,otc .no sumstiPoa wfol si vriden yb ist miecahlc iaetgndr rfmo( eniids ,elcl eerhw its onnotcertcnia si hhig, to du)s.ioet If K+ lxeffu si e,casdenri eth sbte lructpi doulw be the K/++H aentorirtp cih(hw st“kea ”pu a p,tnroo btu ash ot srnre”rud“e a tsuas,omip ni an tatempt ot ovreme diac mfro hte lbdoo — adicic ld,oob fo orucse, gbien na eetlnbaivi meucoot fo evervd ctoalimbe etats: etn TPA ptcosomnniu ;p&ma hgih CO2 +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by pmnbp(2)
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oudlc nsemooe paelse xanepli ywh ieendonsa is cr?ortce

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drdoom  fteAr the cfuf si id,et het lslec dna tussei tladis to hte cfuf illw nneutoci cisnogmnu PTA -TPA(,PAD)> tub no fhres ldboo illw eb ldievrdee ot ecar“l” twah ilwl be an ualgcmtnauci amtonu of DAP and eohtr ieotsaelt.mb PAD =edsAn)n(ieo si estfli a ypoxr fo otnpsiuncom nda desrvi ldtavaiionos fo erietsar! onEv(utiol is rt)sam! rIenniacgs nP/DneAoAdsei in a lolac“ noen”iemtnrv is a laigsn ot eth yobd atth a lot fo noucnitomps si oinrrcugc t;reeh t,hsu ertarsie and esloeiarrt ultarnyla ldteia to inereacs obodl lfwo earts and pewes“ awa”y oilcmaebt ctd.bpusoyr +1

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