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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#49 (reveal difficulty score)
A 20-year-old woman with asthma comes to the ...
Ask the roommate not to smoke in the apartment ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +105  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—tissue creep(133)
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The oodple si plgiln,eycaroeh nda a 1010/ dgoo boy.

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medguru2295  roF emso ,eaorsn I 'cant etovpu. uBt .EEEUPEOTEV gDos aer i!elf +1
mynamejeff  hTe odoelp is er,anioyhpgllce dna a 101/0 good yb.o +
unknown001  on n,ma skmgnoi si ilfe P-: +

 +17  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—yotsubato(1208)
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odCl rai dsuienc asamht satt.ack

nsDaecgier ercsuo aldo tnow pleh

akignT srtsdeoi si oot umch for won

iMvgon bkca to hte osmdr is not vlaibe

irA eelsarnc dotn orkw eguhno

Dton gte rid of eth Good eyoB

okiSmng rdooisn si uindigsgts

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sherry  erstsS anc talclayu be a iretggr orf I ihnkt hte rlpbeom rehe is tath hse hsa aalswsy ceidrar a aeyvh usecor, ehliw het daseeis utjs settdra ectr.yenl +8
medguru2295  Ssetrs eamsk maasth .rewos froehTree, kepe odggo rof sesrts eirelf! +1
qiss  losA reh mssptmoy adtrest 3 mnsoth goa dan she vodme ni iwht a meraotmo woh esskmo dosnrio 3 nosthm gao. +2
jrish  uBt 'wonldut teh osekm no the meoramsto sctelho tllis eausc icnsiagitfn thmaas pmreb?sol +

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by saturdaynightpalsy(10)
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So we ear jsut dseoppus to ownk atth odopels rea erg..lilpco.heyan

I upt g"et na ira eeclrna" sabcuee I uhtohtg kgnasi the ramtomoe ot tops onmigsk wludo be oeydbn het epcso fo teh hyicanips dan esinc I itdnd kwon eopslod rewe gleioanp,reylch I utohght e,w"ll evne fi hte moermtoa pdteosp msgn,kio 'ellsh litls vaeh usiess saeuceb of teh etp .n"dedra


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luciana  mSea e,reh I ogt osedcfnu ebsuaec it meesed that het kosme NDA eht gdo reew the rtgg,iers so I eidpck M"ove kabc to hte tremrsi"iood os lal eth trgigser olduw eb ogen Wh.o uwodl imienag osdpeol ewer ylalpgoierench +
luciana  For hoset leik me woh dindt' owkn erteh asw 1 logicphelnyear o,gd rthee ear 23 to ouy eriommze :) i.ts-ld-lglhpbepotoee-mhedto2-a/badg-dgvnao/gtcoaheso-estrnh.-hldrsic3:eys/ +2
jamaicabliz  eTh ayw I thhtguo aubot ti wsa ahtt e'shs ahd the dlopeo rof lonegr ntah 3 oh,sntm ecisn she ubgrtoh it tiwh ehr, nad dtdin' mees to eahv omlprseb eroaednbfh +1

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—lilmonkey(63)
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Aswlya cesoh gnikoms if ouy see it. nI yan ytpe fo siq.uonet 'Dnto evne dear ):

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by dragon3(15)
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I mtlaos icedkp aikngs eth atomomre otn to kosme ni eth attmrn,eap tbu tehn I rdfguei ts'hat ydnoeb the oecsp of the hrnotae rnospe asid knitga oetrdiss wdluo eb oot umhc fro w,on nad I uesospp thtas' bsaceeu the asathm is rnldlo-eecllwot whit reh aehriln ?nr ha't(st awht I hda pc)dkie

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sherry  I wluod asy eth sntep'tai tmshaa noyl tgo orwes ftrea hre ngovim .uot oS its oerm llearlnea.edr-get tniGtge rid of eth elnlrega si wslaya btrete nhat gaidnrgup oianismdetc. +2
et-tu-bromocriptine  piRpp het 'dnt"o be a "ickd rgeyttas edtinyeifl idlfae me on shti .noe oFr some nrsoa,e I otghtuh rseuegntiq teh ettinap ot ska nemoose eles ot ghacne etirh mnksoig tahsib wdoul be a dat oot mhcu. I cna tjus cptirue dWlUro mknicags em tiwh a guAh"ohtl ti si lkyiel tath hte ra'oeommts siesacnot of onmgski cdlou aiellvate the is'ttenpa ahsmat b,arxecnistoea shit uterqes udwol be uto fo teh iiy'spcnsah".oecp. +47
peqmd  dspenDe ohsw' rdceiik the tdoorc tglinle eth teipnat esh 'ndsoulth liev ni omeks ro moes guy smikong ni teh eusho +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—whoissaad(102)
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thaW reagneuta do we ehva htta eth mmtaoeor si igogn ot otps snkgomi ni het tetpaanmr by gkn"is"a him to do .so?.

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krewfoo99  hTere is no eeu.rngeta Teyh era clbylsaai snikag thwa a rtgeigr is ofr her shamat crrrcee.uen kgSniom ni sith oecsiran nac be hte uceas fo stih apeitnts o.tmsmyps Dotn dewll ot depe otin the unoe.itqs +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—therealslimshady(42)
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I htolsnye d'ton drueatnsdn hwy A si the etrcroc .werans I cpdkie "moev kcab ot het "drmo euecsab theer aer rtehe tamsah gerigtrs ni hre mdor: 1)( teh kores,m 2() hte tcaf atth rhe rmootema entsod' lkie ti nehw si't oot arwm she( s'ndote anwt to be dcol, adn codl si a rtiegrg rof asat,mh) nda ()3 teh stsser fo ppeole ohw dtno' alcen herit edi.hss S,etrss dl,oc dan eoms.k eohsT era erggsitr orf stmaah ahtt rae pnseert in hre rma.enptta sI enaoyn esel tno gesnie is?ht

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123ojm  uacseeB bysmralepu eh'ss ldaeyra iensgd a ealse adn nnocat farodf to pya a dcoens tren yb iovgnm akbc otin eth mso.dr I hnikt hist egso ckba ot giamkn ssionugtgse rof rou ttenaspi atht rea eblenrsoaa rfo hmet ot viahec.e +1
123ojm  loAs rhe matoeomr is teh oen ahtt kaems ti mr,aw so het ntmpartae si nto ocld +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—freemanpeng(7)
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No hucs githn sa lglphnreciyaeo sd!g!o

Teh jraom odg ,aelnlger anC f 1, is iolsrnpeebs rof ielarelgs ni toms peopel ohw are eallrgic ot osg.d cHiyalepgolren debesr of osgd wree drotoemp ecabesu it swa ugohtht yteh wodlu eprucdo owlre cnnotecioasrnt fo aCn f 1, nda hfreereto aeusc elss o(r neev )no aglecilr ymotspms ni eoeplp hwit a dog ye.lragl laEpmxes of dog ebedsr ahtt aveh yrsovleupi been dalblee sa nclhlyioargeep ulcined lP,eodos Lddosaaobrl,e nda rhkeorYsi eirsrrte. eTrhe si on fctienisic ofrpo shtee berdse urlyt cueodrp wreol aosnumt fo aCn f 1; ethse odgs were psmyli eleabdl as ingcehaerplylo ucsaeeb fo het sfale mnptasusoi htat dgo sebder tath od otn sdhe hari tusm aresele essl al.glener

achl(soiN C,E ikgeWnae ,GR Hsaadvt ,LS rotZita ,EM bynwO RD, oohnsJn C.C Dgo lngreeal vsleel ni smeho hitw lgoealriyhpecn edapomcr iwth eolgnalirhepcnnyo ods.g Am J Rnlhoi 25()5.;20:6514โ€“2221 2)rd63j11/a.2:...01062ioa05050

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freemanpeng  lsi,Sgnuriypr eht uoamnt fo Cna f 1 dfnou in ahri and coat mlesaps asw yaculalt igsheht ni eht eapicehrlnl""yog rseebd of osgd, iwth leooPsd ghvnia the ihhsegt aoutmn of eht odg lg,eaenlr nad rdaorabL reesRveirt nhivag het oewtls eed(rVr goo ,DW milesWel T, haanpmC DM, derkeeHi J,D pKor .EJ Can f 1 lvsele in airh dan omshe of nfidteref god debes:r cakL fo ciedeenv to reeicdsb nay gdo eerbd as penigrcloheal.y oalunrJ of erAlylg and liialcnC Iunogy.lomm (2012;301).4 ac513:.120i0.06oij0j11./1.)2d.0 +

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