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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 2/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
A 56-year-old man who is admitted to the ...
Determine whether the patient has decision-making capacity ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—m-ice(370)
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oAounymt is hte otms itraoptnm teichs cippelnir atth ssdseereup lla so.ehrt evHwo,re ti is dlepapi noly in tasonsutii in hiwch a apttein atndeomtssre ngise-oiidcmnak aypctcia. In htsi ituoins,at a npteati thwi deacanvd sdesiea lyunlike to eb curde is rueisgfn neramt,ett hchwi si ish ghtir nrued hte nrpceipli of .ytoaonum H,ovweer hsi mcnsetmo bauot tringreu"n ni 6 monsht after crinug aitrir"sht ear eunsitqealo,b and tnrrwaa eriidmetnng if eh hsa odniecsi kaignm ap.ycicta It si olspsbie ttah he osd,e whhci is yhw yna ecihsco of igorncf uhrtref etetnrmat no imh rea tcrocien.r

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hungrybox  hesTe hectsi osntesqiu messe so msepil nad ety hsoewmo I asylwa etg them .rnogw I ssuge dpee down 'Im tsju a .ugscmba +20
mutteringly  yHe sthr'ee slyawa lntade hcolso +5
hungrybox  letig daem me ll,o nthska orf ahtt +1
jurrutia  sAol, the taipent si !sldnulioea eH hnikst e'hs ngiog to ucre its.rihtra uoY tdno' avhe doinscei inkgam apiytcac hewn ouy'er cyazr. +1
madamestep  Aylatl,cu uyo lsblutyeao nac avhe keci-signoadnim tayccpia wneh 'uryeo .zrcay uoY jsut deen ot heva a aillgoc asnroe rfo royu eisidonc fro sthi one ocnsiid.e sAlo ti dspnede no the ienio:csd oeenmos wiht AD migth otn eahv iioedcsn kgiamn ptiacacy fro trhei logn tmre etartmnte ro hosignu sdee,n but thye tighm eavh ecsoidni knmgai tcaayicp ebentwe two grdu eicoshc bnige em.crdemedon +

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submitted by โˆ—marypoppins(1)
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hWy 'actn it eb eohicc ?E I eusmsda het titeapn dha barp.iol

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submitted by โˆ—beetbox(6)
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aCn eneomos eiaplxn omer on hwo ot elcatk teseh ypets fo ssuoq?inte I suck ta eeths ntqssuoei for To ,em he dsnodeu tpyert anse nda leaoensbar esdo( otn ihsw ot awtse retoh 'eplpose )m.eyno rSue he tmghi be under ilgsth rsspnieoed gundgji owh he sha a enmatlri lislsne nda ish ttatesemn on ohw byodno ercas orf mih. utB elsnus eh si ohcteniern or glysapiidn glmcaia tikinn,gh gsisn of slos of ryoemm .cte, ywh osuldh eh eb eteuaalvd on gsdincikmneo-ai cpcat?aiy

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drdoom  in dilaecm apl,cnrea uoy nac eb os dssrpeede atht ruoye' altlucay gvytilceoin r.edimiap siht is wnokn as t.dnuseadmepeoi ,uhts oyu eedn ot freuig o:ut โ€œis htis ugy so dederssep ew nca edme ihm cieomtntnep to kame doiicโ€se?sn +
rockodude  eh assy he ahs an onnntieiv ot cuer shraiitrt ni 6 onshtm lel'h be .kabc. nto oanlrm ta elats fro sthi eqosiutn satht het ilen htta amde me ihntk oeds htis pesrno evha ptaiycac +

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