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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 1/Question#13 (reveal difficulty score)
A 4-year-old boy is brought to the emergency ...
Proliferative glomerulonephritis 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: renal nephropathy Renal

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 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by usmile1(154)
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sMueonbrma yhenpaotrph and immilna hecnga ieaessd nca be lsiyae ruled tuo as yhte are onhtiercp srsilbaTtsltne.ue rdiynoumtio niistephr a(ka tuace ialnrtteiits )trsnehiip can eb dluer out as ti sasuec BCW csats tno CBR sa nsee in htis uist.eonq r lliPyapa nisscoer - rieteh ahs on asstc or ti imthg ohws CBW scsat tub tno CRB ceesaub eht eropmbl is not ni eht uegm.olrli

ablte fo elmucartnnoe on agep 285 lnxisepa taht aelvirtofipre jsut masen hprye llcrauel roimel.ugl e iGvn the pstnteai otsryih fo orse tahtro otw seewk ga,o now nigprtnese ihtw rephNicit omyndreS tihw RBC csas,t pelirifaeovrt olerltsouinrgiphem is teh olny naelesabor arsne.w

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medguru2295  hsiT was ym erpseci .ginol I nuowd up nietggt it yb ininaiolmet. tuB, dindt' kiel tath wrnsea sa ist cmonnmou in laslm ceihldnr adn the dlich lnsmeegyi dha on rsik sfa.otcr +1
thotcandy  ugd2ue2@59rm AF syas s'it tsom mlynocom nsee ni ecrdhiln dan ts'i isleitdfeml sv dsltua si arer adn nca lead ot realn fsiufn +2
peqmd  yhe'Tre gunis hte dbrao gteacory rfo SPGN, atPmaho pg 301 .CII SNPG = Hlrlyrup,elcae alnmmiefd uerogmlil on am;EHp& ianst dan scsro eenefrcgrni teh FA tbeal enteomdni clhyllereuarp &=tg; toiP.rfvelirea +6
unknown001  taht aws the rosaen why i sohce isht n ot nbem : sahtt ont looc orb +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by nbmehelp(49)
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ihsT is BS cb GSNP is klei teh lyon rcc/iinnpoepitherth onedrmys I gthhotu I dah wndo cold

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by diabetes(31)
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CRB s=tg;tc=as=& eptilgrlmioushonre eht lony otpnoi ehtre.

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thotcandy  I was B/NUrc &t;g 20 nad laysntnit tgohhu prenrale t-;g&- cceihims ppa nsscorie deu to scgila.asen Ar e tnceirhpi msysorden utsj uldcdxee rmof ttah heowl ?gnhti FA sasy BNU adn rC are irncseade for iihtenpcr orseyndms but does het aotri jtus tno tatmre? +2
fatboyslim  esmIchci app icsnsreo nwtludo' aehv BCR acsst +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by failingnbme(3)
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acn ecnhitrpi erymdson eb owtuhti TNH?

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yiqi  I ogt nwogr rfo teh asme esan!!or! +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by mousie(272)
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si hsit teuscabu ntdirsdiceoa aaotesdcis peralrao-vtMneeroifimb N?G

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jus2234  The etsouiqn isdbseecr ohw eh hda a rtspe iocinneft 15 sdya ,gao nda won isht is trcptlssoptaeoocc nmsorehoietlri,plug wcihh acn aols eb esrbdedci as irteerfapliov itlshrmienurogpleo +13
seagull  Teh niotsequ lduwo eb too irfa fi ti utsj sida PS.NG asIetdn ew ened to llmse rou own tsrfa rstfi. +73
yotsubato  And tyhe seud ienomytolgr TON nuodf ni AF +8
water  woh dsai teyh eerw ilimdte to A?F +5
nbmehelp  FA usse het noommc enoenlactmru and het actf tmso of ruo eroth csrsueroe esu het eams aerlntemconu ofr t,ihs I inkht ew nca aeger ttah si is hte teedpcca .smter If rtye'eh naong ddecie otn ot sue hte mlaortceunne htat smto liecamd dtssenut era tguhta hnet yhte dulohs eodivrp hetri nwo tuyds airsmaetl ta htta pnoit orf us to eu.s hTe stte sldounh't eb hsit tvcedoluon for on s.norae +11
alimd  O.k yTeh nca use roonteimlyg rvaewthe tyhe .anwt uBt CU0g&;RBN-t2 is LEALYCR erlpenar h?trig +2
an_improved_me  I nithk reyo'u lnagtki sdpesa chea The catf fo the amtert si tath BEMN ed'nsot yalrle rcae how we a.preerp tI ceras ot fastytri sntdtsue ingsu rwehatev uispdt sterimc ti seemd ra.eyscsne tIs' ont dieitml ot sad-iirf,t adn ttha 'dnteos aenm ahtt ti ht'onulds eb. +3
utap2001  Nto ylon CBR t,asc utb eht CrN/BU g02atro&;it can help uler tou orthe ybliti.pioss /tNrCg2UB;0& g-&;t g&-laerpre-t;n SP.GN AIN or TAN are relna or lntp.sre-ao +1

 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by azibird(279)
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yWh era heter tlso of CRsB but ewf RBC sat?cs haTt amed em thkin tbuoa a pots tbleuu ssero.pc

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boostcap23  Any amtuon fo CBR casst is an nmialybtroa dan idiesacnt ltarubu .latgoypoh Nloymral uhlsod have nneo. stJu eikl how neve a ignlse liruhtenpo ni CSF is +2

 -6  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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oS sMadepec syas taht PSNG acn evioepsgrsr to a tifvpleieraro oprilenstrlhmugieo mcasmenih dan os lfiriptaveore omurgieerhtlsoipnl sduloh be deensridco as a tiaifnerlefd niaodssig ofr S.GNP

ec5mo5cmeeewe6.t:tinm/vdrta0c8avr9is-p/e/p8ciaehd.lo:i/se# T"he renscpee fo tcuea dkneyi juryin yma esusgtg na rteelanta snaoidigs (,ge amrorvtaminfprlebeoei rueroepomtlnsgihil ]M,PG[N nSioccöhhne-Heln urpapru ,[]PSH smisytce spulu rehaosmtysteu )SE[]L or a evsree ro songriwne NPAS,G ucsh as ebsroedv in otehs hwti icetcrsnce smrehleurpnlgiitoo ro irydpal prrievssgoe ll.g.prei.emrisouhnto tfrDilefneai s:Dgisanio sihT icudslne tosm roteh yepts of dhciholod ion.pherglturosleeimd hseeT ediuncl IgA orh,tenaphyp breapoairifelvrmneomt mrrgtselhoo,eupilni readirethy eips,hrnit adn trhoe rfsmo fo festistooucpni eeolsrr.gipnohl"imtu

cilarynoIl nghu,oe hsit stum eb waht ethy eewr aks,ing ..ei itlmoopcsinac fo SG,NP aesbcue ABSMOS (ronteha eptS rceeou)rs ercltiyd lekdni teh obvae rciaelt I fdonu eeborf knlogoi efrhtar nad inmocg arcsso eth OMSASB nsicet.o

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