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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#21 (reveal difficulty score)
An otherwise healthy 45-year-old man comes to ...
Aphthous ulcers 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by thisshouldbefree(51)
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I get thsee YRVE ne.tfo I seme ot tge tmhe oyln tafre ietagn nhoigesmt tath anc magead teh soumca ni ym thmuo shuc sa radh ihspc s(oi,oTtts very ejgdag yrve ).pina hseTe are OTN ldoc osrse )(SH.V sTih is ipmlsy a uhahstpo luce;r hyet cna be tsessr eddcniu (idnsgtuy fro ardh )te.ts tyeh aer vrye nifapul and od uccorer. ereht aer no sistcdoeaa sx wtih e.htm

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j44n  ry'htee asol uecasd yb s.estsr I tog 3 ni my tmuho eht day taerf iemrrPtoc neadelcc ym tste rof eht dr3 mtei! +15
ih8payingfordis  nI amnaly tsmre, eehst thgnis are cdllae cakrne I olas tge mteh on ym otneug ostmesemi - eurps uipalfn ypllcsaiee wenh ti kmaes tancoct iwht hnygatni yats.l stJ u leki erssotee@fbdlhui,h tsi' luaylsu pdedrece yb ucsmao medaag (ei ibnitg my tnogue atcdlinacyle hweli )neigta +2
xmen  tste ni 2 eke.sw i hvea ethm now +1
drdoom  Teh clgoiysphioal lolrocray of oyclsgocaplih ser”s“st si olicotrs adn ist aynm ncsuosi coe,i(droittsscor te ra)ecte. itrolosC esspsprseu hte r“oanlm” btu lrielectyagen oysctl rcsepos fo dlream nacemetinna dan growht lbaas( mste ellc ,dosinivi sink + elpmdreai ret,nrovu dlguicnni ni the aosmuc.) ,oS ni eth espreenc of hgih sre”“t,ss nlarmo scuoaml netamncniea si eiacids.frc hTsi si ecsaeub moes toh,re rome oprtnitam ixesetltian trehta is inpnephag in the od.yb heT erlsut si tuffs elik hutpsaho c,eulrs eincs uryo bdoy is rtlyaiell etgecnnilg ruyo ,usomca gllwinao ti to tn“hi ut”o to pevrseer eenyrg to sddaesr moes roteh mjroa imcystse iesu.s +1
drdoom  rFom is5ewsnsrtpl//1s6ntlci=eogrm./M4v1pc/? hTe diouccoltgrcoi percreot )GR( is ghilhy sxeeesdrp ni hte balas lcles but ti si belrya cdalbtetee in eth eohrt syelra of eth dpiereims .2(2) heT anililzctaoo of eth RG ni lasab ycnoec,eotrs sa llew as the gevatien ectseff fo dlotugsroicicco no tyceatkeorni rhogwt atrfco nda Ite-yp I-daIIn eglcaonl gnee eosnepsxir 3–2(62) stgugse thta ondsugoene oicolrts in SC upsrpeesss not onyl ndwuo enhalig tub aslo moanrl nkis otwhgr dna .nretruov +
drdoom  ^ ,btw SC = gnisCuh rmyoendS h)tcipre(syolimsor +
jbrito718  Hepgaianr luowd ccruo ni teh rreoiptos -gnyo;a-rhrop&tx aedcsu by xkaoCsei A NTO VHS +
meryen13  I eavh omse ni ym houtm .n..r 2 weeks ot ym t.s.e.p ethy can eb fodo ro sertss dnciude nad sti oemr moomnc ni emos grieson erom htan s.hoter ni lddiMe sEat nda iaAs ti esesm ot eb +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by medstruggle(20)
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hyW is it hpuhoast elsruc if hreet aer on GI tpmmysso? hyW nct’a ti be rhpees t?eszro

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colonelred_  Ist’ jstu nakcer rss,eo tyhe eocm dna go. I itnhk ni rphees eht otoigavsismigtitn rlyale nyol aehpsnp wenh you itrsf tge efendtic. fAter thta yuo tsuj gte ercutrren odcl s.sero +4
hyoid  rHeesp erzots si otn het eams as esephr mliepsx sr.uiv +31
bigjimbo  uoy wudol see eatmordme rsha ni zrsoet +3
kateinwonderland  )cf sJtu ni asce semneoo eawtdn ot wonk the aicstaeuv mrgiasno of oahtpush h eule:csTr rsiecep acsue fo akcenr orsse naimsre ,rnueacl htgohu ssecerhrare ctuessp ttah a canmoiotnib fo ocsftar eustitorncb ot ueotaskb,r neev in hte sema .oeilsnU ekrnp ocld sr,oes cekanr ssero era tno saoaiecsdt tihw psehre srivu en.cnostifi +9
charcot_bouchard  seHepr seZort stodne uacse agioistinms.ittvgo eagnperHni cna cseua sevcaluir isenol ni tmohu tbu spnhpea to dlnhriec ni eummrs soasen by teoenr rvius +
drdeeznuts1  mI' ernwnodig if hsit oducl be a lmid sace fo ecetBh erymnsod thtuwio itlgena evnoevltinm +
sherry  It sreu anc be eBhtce or uemPsghpi fi het q soedvrpi us htiw meor i.onf Cnaker sesor tsju cmoe and og ofr yrsea ihwt nrcuael lsoA pershe zesrto is ehniglss by ,VVZ nto 1.VHS +2
avocadotoast  ostM ircsuetp on goolge hsow apieharngn bgeni teprnse no the ardh eapta,rh/atlto hilew ustoahhp ucrels rae cmmolony no eth ewlro lip. I nikht sih lkac of tgialen inlsseo era nopgtini us awya from ianaernpgh. +
drdoom  yeonnA tslil cusouri baotu eht hoysahtpp fo hpoausth culesr cna hkcec out eth reatdh veob:a msm/56amtnthssm/na/2e3cn:9b#e8/w/x.r44obepe4 +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by madamestep(17)
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yennoA esel egt itsh ritgh eceusab hyte get mhte os nfeot form lsoylabtue onlrtoclnude srts?es

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