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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#43 (reveal difficulty score)
A 72-year-old woman with coronary artery ...
Neointima formation in the right coronary stent 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: vascular

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 +39  upvote downvote
submitted by xxabi(293)
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ttSne sstioohmrb sv ien.esotrss- nttSe misostohrb si na tceau lnoiscouc fo a onryaocr tayrre e,nstt hhciw etfno rlesuts in cetua nycoorra so.denymr Cna eb dtrevpeen yb luad tttilepnaael hyprtae or gng-ltuuiedr entsst. Roeseitssn- is eth dgrulaa rgawrinon fo eht ttens lumen edu to nioailnemt rioolertnpfa,i glrsetinu in ilnanag poyt.msms

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sunshinesweetheart  os utjs to rayficl - is't hte mesft"rymope- ofr 3 "hontsm thta eursl tuo ios?rtmhbos +9
hpsbwz  I'st eoroms that ta trse 'hrtsee no gens,hac btu grndui sreexeci ehtre si. ekLi hte spphhoyat fo staebl inaan.g +8
suckitnbme  I tkhni it's eomr aebeusc fo hte ho-mn2t syiohtr of SEROIEGVSPR angian xs whit een.oxtri hTis inpost ot a ncocrhi ssroepc trhrea nhat na ecatu ee.vnt +
alienfever  ntD-iuergulg ensstt npvrete tsneoisse-r hra(ter nhta shoosir)mtb by ralegsine omsruilsi wchhi by inkcblog cell neiliatpr.ofor +3

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by sweetmed(157)
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tetSn seRstnosei corsuc morf sacr ssiuet wrgos oevr sttne canugis tinoe“alnim ipprhyea”las and anrwrigo,n eshimaic msospmyt tenurr Tx: verpetn by unsgi gird geitlnu tetnss eg. lsri.oiSum bsrsimToho tsPo tessonis si u,tceA tnste srseev sa iudsn orf rohsumtb rnfmoiota yusulal 22/ issimgn .idneiomat :xT vnrpete by giuns adul tteiltnaleap atmettenr pdrrcg+oopiae/gnials[rlico.i]relt trAef 1 eay,r toneztanodeiilh fo ntets scocur dan reeth si a lrewo ksri fo mb,rohtus Tx lrwodee to utsj .npaiisr

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by hungrybox(1277)
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ocnetSi no rsvnEodcluaa nntetSig form BIG IBNSBRO fo(r plpeeo ekil me how ndee rmoe :cxotn)te



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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by medschooler1(2)
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I hkitn eht yke erhe is tath thsi nttaeip edlraya dha a etnts ,pcldea wsa yommpts refe fro a ewf mnot,hs and onw ahs againn twhi xetroen.i ganAin itwh rtxeenoi si edbrnigics eStalb" ng,anai" eth iagnna is edu ot ndm"aed i."sceamih eTh toms onmcmo ecuas fo letbsa iagnan si tseee/rlacsshhcrrolsoraoiottiec pueaql dilub up nda a vrey mcomno rdvaese ffetec of snetst si eaoinimtn /fotiaomnr irmgfno a nwe epaqlu on eht n..stt..e a mtsrhbioos wludo uecas aingna ta obth sret and tiwh e,rsiceex due to upsl"yp csemih,"ai adn it owdlu eb reom tu,cea ton osrveprgeis eilk hte suqteion etms iberdescs

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by an_improved_me(91)
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eoAtnhr htngi to :ntoe they dcoul heva emad htsi qnoiuste evne etirkicr by asikng etehhrw ro ton yuo knwo iwchh asdel are cioaestdas tiwh chihw ihTs renpso hda LAD nad ARC nestt eanpelmtc. Tath smaen taht hyet lucdo vhea iengv ouy dasel II, III, VFa (rof CAR spr)ob ro V-V1,6 ,I aVL orf( LAD spr)bo adn meka ouy ooeshc abdes no

siTh eiutoqsn saw esriea sicen lla swrasne rea rergangid eht C.RA

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