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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#48 (reveal difficulty score)
A 55-year-old woman is brought to the ...
Posterior cerebral ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: neurology strokes

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 +18  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—lsmarshall(465)
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PAC ktrose nca ecasu "oapsnroipsoag" iwchh si the ynlibiati ot rniozegec larifaim .efcas deCsua by rtallaeib sionsel fo ivlasu caoatissoni ar,eas chwhi rea udisatet ni hte inrerifo mtlapociroicepot ecxrto uroiff(sm sgy)ru. heT iyibalt to nema pstra fo eht eafc g,e..( nes,o mh)out ro finityed dunldsvaiii yb oreth secu .,ge.( hol,ctign c)vsoei si tlef i.cnatt

oiWutht wionngk tath, brmeenegmri lpioactic bloe si inoevvdl in uavsi'l 'futfs obrdlya, uindcinlg emagi rigepnsosc adn isth tiaetpn is vnhaig useiss thiw sitdenrnangdu gmeais ldhosu eb eohung ot get to eht rsnw.ea

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gonyyong  Lol I usdgese ti yaectlx csebaue fo hatt +8
sympathetikey  vNere deahr of taht noe eebrof. n!kTs ha +1
karthvee  Tihs is ont spipn,raoogsoa tbu deitnas a esca of aprpetpecvie i. asi:Wankgio .ensta."t.ip rea erom fevfcieet at ningma tow btstreaiut omrf a nlesig oecbtj ahnt eyht era labe to nmae noe breuittta on ahec of the owt urmipdsoeeps oejb.cst nI aoditdni eyth rae slilt bela ot sdeerbci tojbces ni idaetl dan ogecrnezi boetcjs yb l"uAtthogu,c hho. sslnioe tend to eb in eth aoiiretp-otlpcica aare so PCA agani is het na!esrw +3
misterdoctor69  I yaluatlc ktihn is't otbh ogroassniopap AND ippvarpetcee aanigo.s eSh si renehit elab to gizeernco hre h'mesrot FCEA orn si esh aebl to zrecgeoni ejbcsot ow/ hte lphe of oerht seesns cevp(eairetpp aosan)ig +2
nifty95  aYe cou'ntld mreemerb eth xeact emna but I stju oghttuh of erthe awahtysp (au,isvl nents,oisoamatso nda ydtraiuo) lal veonnirggc oeeeopwmsrhosr/rsce p(yrabolb eeewrsmoh ni eth olrpamte cou.soep.?)pla..phimb yeodnB eht topi,n the awyhpast nergecov ot an arae ihchw acmlsnutie in .ornoctgeiin tCu ffo one of het etrsou (ni ihts asec l),vuias hte hroet two llwi litsl o.rkw owH si suaivl tcu of?f By eth APC ton pugipnysl eth aear dgilnea to oeaunrln eathd uilgtensr ni niyavrg sols fo asluiv tnioufnc endedpgin no eth eara in eht octicipal l.eob +1

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—poisonivy(39)
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pre ldoWUr dI 2721:

APC lssupeip NC III dna VI, lhtu,asma mldiea eolrmpat eb,lo esinmplu fo the spuorc usmloalc, aloraiapmphpcpa yusrg, frmsofiu ygu,rs nad cpciiolta .elob

Bsiesed hte neltaaltocarr mihopieaan wthi lrcmuaa nasr.p..ig a APC kstroe anc csaue roalrenctalta saerspthasei adn tsvoeslbmnvmi(nenenu of laleart ul),tsamah axlyiesd, lvaius asiogna (eirpiadm vuasil nctgnoeirio of c)sjobet nad nsoriasappoog (tniaibliy ot zengceior cesf)a

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sweetmed(157)
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PCA ke:rost saulVi naiosgA n[ac ,ese tbu nto ezegcrion tjcesb]o and ioiultcnHana,ls tallnCtroeraa naiemoihpa hwit arualcm gsai,prn xeAlia thuwtio iaafpghir[a noidtanm hhprmeeesie nvel.dv]oi

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by futuredoc(15)
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soeiLns of hte polrmTae :Loeb

riSeroup aolemrtp rsgyu: tccsAuio sainaog ntte(pia ncnato etdfefteariin wbteene us)sndo ldiedM pletmrao gursy: eMtvemno oasgian aie(ttpn octnna finitdeerfeta eewbnte het miognv nda trnotiasya cteo)bj oIrirefn rlmetpoa rusyg: dpplusei by .1 PAC Posoapgasrino al(ibintiy ot itedfyni teh esfc)a .2 aooctspiAmrha sl(so of rcolo nisseatno and inyvretghe epsrpaa agyr to htm)e

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weirdmed51  All petmaorl giyr pliedsup yb MCA +

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