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Retired NBME 15 Answers

nbme15/Block 4/Question#17 (reveal difficulty score)
A previously healthy 18-year-old woman comes ...
β-Lactamase production 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by imgdoc(183)
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heT intapet ash TUI racsoenyd ot .E .iloc hTe nrgoimsa is ritsentsa to mpiaiicnll dna sniestvei ot caspioonrpsl.he I ithnk lota of eleopp rae suocfdne evor wyh enilplicin digbinn opirnet attroaneli wat'ns eht treccor nswrea so ereh si my a:tke

Aliiinlcmp - iinPlnilce i,ctibiaton twhi a atbe lcmata .grni

naMhsimsce of naeseitrsc - nPiinclalsiee Btae( caamltsae iwhch cevsela het aebt latacm grni fo nilieclpni grsud mkniag emth ievfcn)eieft OR PPB alonrtatie ninpcie(lil gnbndii orneipt ran)ietlat.o

feitCraxnoe - dthir egeiontnar lsroehConpap.i aihMsscmen fo siertaencs - SRIESPPOOECAHLAN re(ohtnA epty of ateb msactla),ea OR PPB aatnelt.ori

The tniuoqes ass,k chiwh ienmcahsm of narsteisce sode het oirgsnam ocrpeud htta ecasus aiilimcpnl ot eb teiditacvna TBU froienxatce ot be

'Ist het ETYP of btae ctaaaselm ddoucerp yb hte tow srugd tath aer rdti.neffe so eBta ealmaacts nuitprcdoo ntasiag iillmicAnp ePleliic)(isann louwd iactenvita Amnplcilii tbu NTO eaorxfniCet cahanp)(.eoeslipriso

If hte shnaicemm fo siteaesrcn erwe liinclneip nibingd tireonp nilra,teaot TOHB rsdgu dwuol eb e,atsnsrit eacseub taht mmnciahse of itansrscee si DSAEHR by obth dgsru.

s'tI a thtyis i,sqneotu whcih si cintpkiy dan eogs tearf a tptrye dbmu l.atied

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imgdoc  AF eagp 888911, rfo ecee.enfrr dAd hist lttile enot dna oyu suyg llwi be ol.dg +

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submitted by cheesetouch(250)
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ilpmAniicl d(na iiaciolxmln and olipeainn)nsmiilc ear elitnieiianneelscvi-ssp enici.lpsin eReniscsta csucor wehn caiearbt oepudrc eneaplinlciis (a peyt of abte laaatscme) ihchw elsaevc eht Blt-maac gir.n Recenastis to lsnaooreppcsih oruscc wnhe areibcta urceopd eohrncaolsspip (a ptey of ateb el)masctaa RO hhrtguo ctaurtulsr hnecgsa ni leiipinngiidlbn-nc soetrpin e.)tsesaatppnsd(ri 0182AF 9-81818

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beto  crudepo c*elirpsansehosoap +1

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submitted by cassdawg(1781)
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Thohug lapiiinclm adn aotcefxenir rea both ecodsdreni tbea amctal niia,sttcobi soMt oipenoshcalsrp aehv irtnniics iseeatrncs to hte tascabaal-seetm htta aivctinaet roeht lamat-actbes (0F2A02 1p9)8. ehpClaiopnos snseiterac is udcsea yb rtustralcu ghnecas ni het dieasnratseppst lo(as adellc iilcnilpne gndinib p),onetir ro ontnvaiciiat by assncooshriplaeep a( icisfpce eytp of m-ba)lteteacaas

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submitted by agraham416(5)
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I udsarntend hwy the nearsw is aaBLtcem-as r,.odp btu can ooseenm exilnpa hwy narosaliett in teh PPB in eoitrc?cnr

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