bb:uabFor adsasylpi si a ofalc uigrrlaer ncihnekigt of hte slalw fo -eeszdmmdiui adn agrel alucmsru reesairt ued to a nbotocmaiin of liemad dan ailmnit aryipapshel adn s.isrbofi It anc entfsmia at any gea tbu orscuc tmos nuelrtqfey in ognyu n.owem Teh cfoal lalw ceiinhngkt streuls ni llaimun osestsin or anc be oaesastdic ihtw mlanrboa slvees mapss hatt dceeurs avcrlsau fw;ol in eht anelr se,rrteai ti can dlea ot currsaalonve tiyhnspne.eor ewteBne hte ofalc msegntes of dcenhtike lalw, eht eyrtar nfeot oasl bthsixie meadil ;euitotantan casvlrau upgohuitocsn cna pvdeleo ni teshe ntosrpio fo hte essevl and soemtisem eupt.rru
I uothght htsi swa a wliyrde oeddwr w.nraes I miadeiytlem ( sypudt)li cressdo fo cluorfbuasrmi dsaysplai isecn ti wants a ugenroy wenom =/
I asw ikithgnn gimnlanat pioesshronrslce ... utb I usegs u'ydo get epthpcirylsa ieerstar ifrst --_
eTh nerwas ieochc is ursbocmairluf RsYHalEipaP - I hintk itsh is itenfedrf mfor isafmluorburc YDasSpial en(se in ynguo oen)m;w
elloh is gtirh. moFbarcursuil rapiphsyela si ncigkeihtn fo the urmucasl early fo hte oatrerlei in oesenrsp to rocnich yrnnisopeeht a(s teh qteonuis smet lseimi)p
crulsamriFoub eHsraipypal sv yi.D.s...lsp.aa are oedssluppy eht EASM tghni iwht letplimu enms.a ulb
cuosirrmFa paiylass,d slao wknno as ucormifblasru heipaaplry,s ilmead a,helrpsiayp or aiterarl ysiadslap, is a verlielaty onmoumnc amuclltifo atierarl sseadei fo nonuwnk ec,uas ciarteradczeh yb oorlctoennsrethcai beratmaonsiil ignilvvno eth omohts sule,mc ubrfois nad cltiaes ,suseti fo llma-s to iuid-dzmesem terraali
*ryros I ahd ot stpo iths bcasuee ti wsa !!crloamgciF*buo!ussfnnriu sadiyalsp is omts conmmo ni emown neebetw eth sage of 40 fo nad 6,0 utb hte ootindnci nac aosl rcuoc ni neidcrlh and eht lle.yred The aytrojim emr(o hnat 09)% of istnptae tiwh MDF aer ome.nw owvreHe, mne acn sola evah F,DM dan sehto owh do heav a rheigh srik of otnimcsaolicp cshu sa nsrumyesa (ul)bnggi or scestonisdi )t(srea ni het r
Tseeh ueqisotns era vdgniri me cra-zy rifcroalumbus sppa/yypihrslalasadie is eth asem ,gthni and ti si TNO tshi etrspiaenton and it eontds' efrer to sleroirlricsootaes eens in iamglntna !HTN
Is the NTH a ,csaue or a secen?uncoqe I ared ti as igben teh eucsa l(lorcudtenon THN rof myna e)a
rsfIy it asw teh n,cuonecqese hte aonpinrsetet si illts ont s!lascailc --_
Aslo ysug fi u ekat ti sa morbFsuaurlci aaspiysdl glsuirtne ni SAR eonn fo het aesnrw iheocc actmhse
submitted by โhayayah(1212)
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yHctalesirpp rsslsiaortloereioc nosivvel hniitgknec fo sevlse lwal by parpsyiaelh of ohtosm eumslc no'o(nsii-kn pear)nac'pea