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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 1/Question#49 (reveal difficulty score)
A 56-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Fibromuscular hyperplasia of arterioles ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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Ceas of roaltiiorosesesrcl.

ayslrcpHpeti etasslooiorrliresc ovnseivl tgieihcknn of sesvle awll by iysahappelr of somoth sumcel iio(nsnk'o-n erepnc)p'aaa

  • enoneusCecq fo aalngtinm nroystnepehi t1/18&02(0g; w/ euatc nd-aonrge )agmeda
  • Rslsuet in rdcduee esselv ebcalir tihw dernaog-n ciemiash
  • yMa laed to iniibfrdo ncerisos of het selvse lwla twhi eoehhar;rgm saislccylal ussace eutac rneal eulifar (A)FR iwth a carcthtscieari tentfb'la'-ie erpcpaeana
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masonkingcobra  moFr ombu oi slFnrrb scR: a'iub apydasisl is a alcof rareuigrl engtnkihic fo the swlla of mmdszdei-uie and grlea salucurm tsreeair edu ot a noobitamicn fo iaeldm dna ntamili rsapphayiel and sfir.osib It cna mnsetiaf ta yan eag but occsur tmso fryetqunel in gouyn enow.m ehT oafcl lawl inigntechk ssrtlue in iulamln tssoseni or can eb aoiescsadt itwh aonalmrb evless mssap thta uesrdec vaulcsra o;flw in eth lerna aeirse,rt it acn dlae ot rucearosvanl hnr.eitospnye ewteenB eth aolfc emtesgsn fo tdekcihen lw,al eht tyarre neotf oals tibisehx melaid aoeiutannt;t aulacrvs tscnpouihugo nac oevpeld in htees tsrinpoo of het esvlse adn mmietesso eru.utrp +1
asapdoc  I hghottu shti was a dlyreiw dowrde warsne. I deiyemitmal ( siytdp)ul ocdsrse fo rouarcufbmlis ailasdspy csnei it stwan a yonergu wenmo /= +26
uslme123  I wsa gtnnikhi natgamlni pilhosceensrosr ... btu I ssgeu oy'du etg triecpalsphy strierae irfst _-- +1
hello  eTh nrewsa ehicco is boaurimrufslc lsiYHpEaaPR - I kinth hsit si tfinerdef rmof mrailufscrubo pDsaiYlaS ene(s in unygo ;one)mw +36
yotsubato  elhlo is gi.hrt Fabriouumclrs lspaaphriey is ichnigkten fo eth ucmsraul ryeal fo eht lioretaer ni rsoeespn to hinccor stenhinrepyo sa( hte eunstoiq mste liisep)m +10
smc213  ciurlFumsraob ralaHipepys vs a.l..aisp..sDy. rea pssdeopuyl eht ASEM itngh tiwh elmpltiu aublFs roiumrc yalspdasi, laos nokwn sa smbacrfuorilu pyli,hraepsa emadil ays,ppaerilh ro aleatrir i,dysalpas si a ylatrlevei cmumnono ftlcumaloi etiraarl seedisa fo onknunw ,cusea errdaiatehccz by ilnooeeatohscrrnct ilonbtmrsaaei vnionivlg hte otohms cusm,le ufrbios adn slctaei stuies, of asl-ml to dmsizi-dmuee arilaret lw.s albcln//cur/de.mcwhafilaliral:w/titadi.omuomstypwrp_kses +3
smc213  sor*yr I dha to tpos tihs csebaeu ti swa s!aboscrmui!gfonunFilucr*! salyidaps is otsm nommoc in onmwe eewtenb eth geas of 40 fo adn ,60 utb hte oiotndnci acn aslo cucor ni rldecihn dna hte yree.lld heT rjmotyia meor( anth )%90 of pstteain with DMF ear n.moew wev,roHe emn cna lsao hvae DMF, nda thoes how do vahe a reihhg isrk fo copoimcsintal schu as mnrsesyua igbngl()u or eonssitdisc e(tsr)a ni the te ra.serihs/rvbmelol.sciu-h.0ra7alecif/d0snd1tpecmeaasyspsdsarauh1lte/l-o:nf/igicmilyt/d- +2
momina_amjad  seheT ousqnsite era nvrdgii em r-yzca urasrlofmicbu apeypaiihlsp/saaslryd si the esma tihg,n nad it is ONT stih orantsneptie nda it ndots'e reerf ot irisoeslcaertorlso nees ni tiaalmnng HN!T I s eth HTN a caue,s ro a sceneueo?nqc I drea it as gnbie eth escau nodlorcnlte(u HNT rof anym a)rseyfI it aws teh oecnesqneuc, hte ntnaepritseo si slilt ton sisl!lccaa _-- +2
charcot_bouchard  rPoo olldnoertc NTH si eth caesu reeh +1
charcot_bouchard  olsA gyus if u aket ti sa Frucalsrimbuo siapasdly nlresguit ni ARS none fo het naesrw eihocc tameshc +1

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submitted by โˆ—chandlerbas(118)
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ervees nniotesperyh elads to ryitepacpslh ocssroioilrtaeelsr lnegadi to irspceslrioehoalroetrnso FA18'( g-p- 97)2

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—cry2mucheveryday(20)
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ucraubFimosrl iperyhaslap lwil aceus rep arenl oeztmia.a S. r/NCUB si 2tg;0& ni epr enral tiaozmae btu in eth tnsqeoiu ist uvlae si itediniacv of crnintisi nrela au.leifr evyr cf!no!sungi

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charcot_bouchard  oNt ,learyl tHoesnyipno escau epr nlear tzea.oaim reHe lgon dngisnta NTH lgseritnu in edn norga daagme os nticnisir alrne lfierua +3
cry2mucheveryday  !ugh i ujts noctdie eehrst' a iyarfl glon o/h fo rlooyp ceotordnll HNT ihwhc kmase tihs oistnueq imslrep .now !sk!hnTa +1
j44n  erstoiearl era ni eht ..idk.e.yn ya wkno like /nraeeftefftrfeen EIOELARRT @ het golm. fi sith asw in eth elnra treary dhe' ehav erp learn ztimaoea +1

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submitted by โˆ—athenathefirst(7)
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wHo do uyo wnok het snreaw is ton ?E I ocseh E cbsaeue I guhttoh of ANT :( mnSeoeo lhpe leespa

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lovebug  I ma nto ubt I thhuotg )E lluetipm g-aeeeddshpw taccoilr ctnifra . udcol eb dncueid by tlmuiple ilesmomb fo ytr.ear or oteplcme lokscb of llsam ytrrae ecobia(tonkg.u.cnjls fo bdloo )cnotjniu ut b tihs scae wsa pcaysreptilh llcorotaoreir.sesis +

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submitted by โˆ—j44n(141)
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I aehdt gnheivetry tabou hetse saenwr chesoic

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submitted by โˆ—lickmyass(0)
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hyW otn Muitplel nlear eartry rneuams?sy I was rtownh off by het pdiisteocrn of itheyrpcspla oscilatorssreeiolr and os I etnw iwht hist iohec.c I guhotth ipeharlsptcy seilotrosaisrerolc aym dale ot noibrfiid ssorcine fo hte elsevs wall thwi .mrorghheea

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hiroshimi  I ntkhi tprlipycseah rlseitrcsersioao eanmign thta teh lwal fo eht ryaret is rekch,ti dna taht sanowrr hte ,mnuel miakng ti ermo "ftsif" dna edruce i.paclneomc 'stI xacteyl waht ouy ese ni ineptat ithw HTN. hnTik oautb tp twih toarci sss,neoit its' slmiria. nI tcnta,sor in u,aernyms eth alwl of eth rreayt is uyclalta hiretn,n eht lalw si nekwdaee, s'that wyh s'it aeiesr to retp,uur nihtk boatu teh ctioar ,mnserauy ts'i remo lekyil ot prreutu isf' ont t.etadre +2

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