raaBciet adn etrabcial entoosmncp ikle( SL)P ni orcaiiculnt irtgegr miavess eelears fo oenyickst 1tnl(kn,e-riuIe tk-6niuneerlI adn )FNT,a snlgriute iaosalit.vndo eaHtr rtae naersisce ot amianint dcnete .BP
Is setkor vuemol not eaftcefd yb atht vssieam i?isolatvdano I oludw ktinh fi usenov eytmss is vadasioetld nhet y'duo veha eceurdd EVD fomr udeerdc obdol olwf ot erath
ohBt of yuo era torercc. In tiecsp cksho eerth si a vmsasie iaol.iodvtasn In rreod ot amctopesen for eth erdeucd loobd essupr,re erthe is na srdneceia terah tar.e Now, ipnkgee tihs in ,mnid wtah si the OC rm?faulo OC = HR x SV ?tgiRh eLts asy unerd ronmla diisoctnon RH is 60 am&;p eoSrtk ulevmo is 5.0 Yoru daicacr ttoupu = 60 x 50 = 30.00 owN in ptisec chok,s yuro ahret raet is ayslsvmi eraisdecn but oury osrkte elovum si ecrseedda nmiyli.mla So lste pulg ni het rubenms. Ltse s,ay neurd sicetp c,shko RH = 105 &;map skteor meuolv si won 0.3 ehT icdraca utuopt is nwo ogann be = 051 x 03 = ,4500 eehnc yuor OC si sreaindce. nI itecpS och,kS hte rheta rtea si yavsmisle diecsaren eacdorpm ot teh onumta of SV dcreaseed.
rdinaf@1b By oaailintso,dv I slatmo sxuvlcelyie mnae atiralre volai.tsdiona nWeh it mcseo ot C,V I salywa krow dkrcawab ormf “fsrti ,p”prseiciln nda in my ievw teh tfris ppecrnlii of hte CV esysmt s,i “aMtnniai rpusssree ot nitamina godo .lofw” lAl eroht tmiscmdcaonooa of eht CV sytmes canhseg( in tnte,sntpgo]y[horir cnr[,hptyoeo]mtior nsncirtvtoaoosic and onladit)oaisv era in sic*erve* ot aintnnmigia w.slfo tiouthW ogod oflsw, oyu etg eth hintg haunm tssuies ilek het eatl:s not cakl fo gxeyno tub tunoclucmiaa of 2OC (nad het tdyciia that soge iwht .)it
,So all atht swa a -dolneniwgd yaw fo iygsan htta Craiacd tOputu will neimar ihgh when hte obdy si dgcrunpio -desiertiehhhagndr- llevse of OC2 nh(we gasrno dna teh imeumn semtsy hvea geon ntio irvoerevd to eprdsno ot a rteaht ro ot dsaerds ocinoesmdtnpae ni some treho patr of teh t;yss)em hte tminmpglue fo Cdairac utuOtp lherdsa het gineibngn of eth nd.e It iiifsgsne atth hte rssetsse iengb smiepdo no het dyob cexede hte ebaaisitplic fo the tem.sys
submitted by ∗hayayah(1212)
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cetSip skcho si a ypet fo ustievtrdibi ohcsk hwihc si rkeadm by vsiesma noaavolitdsi (/dt aritnymlafom eop)sesnr ianugcs eecrddeas VRS, ceraedesd rpadloe / ,CPPW nad rdsecneai O.C