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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 3/Question#29 (reveal difficulty score)
An 83-year-old man is brought to the ...
Early septic shock 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by hayayah(1212)
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cetSip skcho si a ypet fo ustievtrdibi ohcsk hwihc si rkeadm by vsiesma noaavolitdsi (/dt aritnymlafom eop)sesnr ianugcs eecrddeas VRS, ceraedesd rpadloe / ,CPPW nad rdsecneai O.C

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smc213  etcpSi cksoh acn lsao retpsen ihwt himoeptryha l3tC;&6 +3
bethune  yhW si it tno inansolisretattg ?deebling +4
beanie368  IG geendlbi wudlo rtesepn itwh saecnired VRS as a opnrsese ot eopvilmyhoa +10
mysteriousmantyping  hyW louwd itsh ton eb lyprounma lombmei?s +1
step1passfail  yPnolamru lombesim luwdo ucsae a dcasreee ni adcciar reThe si ceirsndae sruprsee ni eht hhig imtcpanol RV hhcwi nca bugle dna cpesrmso the ,VL nireecasgd tis .pedolar HO=reCat aret x stekor lmeuov adn tresok evlumo is lplatryai diderement by darel.po I f hte yamopurnl lombmeis is lrgea ,ehnguo ti cna oals orbttucs the lnrmyoupa esssevl dna ssqtnebuleyu ont haev ounheg loobd gngoi ot the LA adn ,LV letuiyatlm magikn the crcaaid ttpuuo rnae .0 +3
chj7  uOt fo lal the ndiferetf etspy of s,ochk ccaaird uuttop is aerediscn ylon in irduievttbis khcso e.(i clinaayaphc,t p).sctie +1

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submitted by bfinard1(3)
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naC eomesno enlaxpi ywh raacdci otuptu si high in cepist cko?hs

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drdoom  raaBciet adn etrabcial entoosmncp ikle( SL)P ni orcaiiculnt irtgegr miavess eelears fo oenyickst 1tnl(kn,e-riuIe tk-6niuneerlI adn )FNT,a snlgriute iaosalit.vndo eaHtr rtae naersisce ot amianint dcnete .BP +1
bfinard1  Is setkor vuemol not eaftcefd yb atht vssieam i?isolatvdano I oludw ktinh fi usenov eytmss is vadasioetld nhet y'duo veha eceurdd EVD fomr udeerdc obdol olwf ot erath +
zedora  ohBt of yuo era torercc. In tiecsp cksho eerth si a vmsasie iaol.iodvtasn In rreod ot amctopesen for eth erdeucd loobd essupr,re erthe is na srdneceia terah tar.e Now, ipnkgee tihs in ,mnid wtah si the OC rm?faulo OC = HR x SV ?tgiRh eLts asy unerd ronmla diisoctnon RH is 60 am&;p eoSrtk ulevmo is 5.0 Yoru daicacr ttoupu = 60 x 50 = 30.00 owN in ptisec chok,s yuro ahret raet is ayslsvmi eraisdecn but oury osrkte elovum si ecrseedda nmiyli.mla So lste pulg ni het rubenms. Ltse s,ay neurd sicetp c,shko RH = 105 &;map skteor meuolv si won 0.3 ehT icdraca utuopt is nwo ogann be = 051 x 03 = ,4500 eehnc yuor OC si sreaindce. nI itecpS och,kS hte rheta rtea si yavsmisle diecsaren eacdorpm ot teh onumta of SV dcreaseed. +
drdoom  rdinaf@1b By oaailintso,dv I slatmo sxuvlcelyie mnae atiralre volai.tsdiona nWeh it mcseo ot C,V I salywa krow dkrcawab ormf “fsrti ,p”prseiciln nda in my ievw teh tfris ppecrnlii of hte CV esysmt s,i “aMtnniai rpusssree ot nitamina godo .lofw” lAl eroht tmiscmdcaonooa of eht CV sytmes canhseg( in tnte,sntpgo]y[horir cnr[,hptyoeo]mtior nsncirtvtoaoosic and onladit)oaisv era in sic*erve* ot aintnnmigia w.slfo tiouthW ogod oflsw, oyu etg eth hintg haunm tssuies ilek het eatl:s not cakl fo gxeyno tub tunoclucmiaa of 2OC (nad het tdyciia that soge iwht .)it +
drdoom  ,So all atht swa a -dolneniwgd yaw fo iygsan htta Craiacd tOputu will neimar ihgh when hte obdy si dgcrunpio -desiertiehhhagndr- llevse of OC2 nh(we gasrno dna teh imeumn semtsy hvea geon ntio irvoerevd to eprdsno ot a rteaht ro ot dsaerds ocinoesmdtnpae ni some treho patr of teh t;yss)em hte tminmpglue fo Cdairac utuOtp lherdsa het gineibngn of eth nd.e It iiifsgsne atth hte rssetsse iengb smiepdo no het dyob cexede hte ebaaisitplic fo the tem.sys +

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by calvin_and_hobbes(2)
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hyW is het T manlro in isht n?attepi I lwudo have tpdrdeiec neldgnyrui cofeniitn — e,i eferv — bofree vnee rea"l"y cpseit I ltdeeces spicte coshk yprelu for teh ntriabtceal wol RVS edteisp sdulif ubt watn ot datdnreusn emro btuoa the cseabne of re.vef.. skh!Tna

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drdoom  Elelrdy d(na opincioodmms,mremu yegeal)lrn od ont nmout utsbor fveer esesorspn ot etcabrai adn toerh csmg;iioomrnrsa ni delelry, itsh bbrpoayl hsa ot do hwit e“d”snclie fo the nnteai emiunm emstsy (uyor ,epmahcrsago cedinrdit sllec, seomntc,yo c,;mp.&a tujs 'odnt nifoctnu sa ellw sa yeht dseu to.) nI hteor ws,rod fi ouy ()1 diewp uto 'nomseoes mneumi etmsys dna tenh )2( djtencie taaibecr onti trhie lomtdoreabs, uoy 'luotndw rosveeb any vfere tereh.i ehT perecsen fo a ic“atp”ly n)(aorlm freev ni an ryeelld or mmuriiocnomodmpes aptient cna be a presu cerncognin :snig ehyt thigm eavh a girang fninicteo no the inesi.d +
drdoom  m^for eht eticl:ra bn“Atse ro enudblt erevf reopesns in eht lelr.dye heerT is maelp cievnede atth a dlutben efrve npsreose ot a orseisu bcl,arieta i,lvar ro ulnfag cotnieifn gtussesg a roorpe gpsoinros hatn esdo a tbsoru erfev orsneesp ].[31 nI atd,idino reteh is a tusaianslbt byod fo adat, omytsl frmo ialnma es,dmlo that grhheeofrvtu— tsi fefestc on imuenm ticyuamonf—n be an moiptatrn hots esfedne ecmhmnais ][14. ylouRgh 2–0%%30 of yreldle sprosen twhi seruosi laeaitbrc ro airlv efosincint lilw esretnp itwh a tebulnd ro iteneryl ansbet reevf eesrnspo [,5,.]”321 +

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by spaceboy98(22)
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eTh ywa i kool ta sith si het rmpreat.eteu

A hroyeihpctm natepti wlli tlmsao asylwa nrspete wthi tpeics kshoc esacueb epcsti hosck anc rntpese as obht arrheymeihpt ro aityohhrpem

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athenathefirst  'nosDte odusn cauaterc. hisT ettnaip dha a lmoanr +

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