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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 3/Question#29 (reveal difficulty score)
An 83-year-old man is brought to the ...
Early septic shock 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by hayayah(1212)
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tSecpi ockhs si a eytp of itrdbuievsit shkco iwchh is kaemrd by isavems vanadltosiio /(dt irlaafynomtm )oesnpres scgauni aedserdce ,SRV ecdasdeer drpoela / PW,CP adn eescradni OC.

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smc213  epictS scokh anc olas pretnse ihtw aoehipryhtm &l3C6;t +3
bethune  Why is ti tno raioelntnsasgtit ebgliden? +4
beanie368  GI dieebnlg ldowu eertspn wiht eisedranc VSR sa a orespsen to impyhelavoo +10
mysteriousmantyping  Why uowdl sthi nto be pomanruly iesmlbmo? +1
step1passfail  ylnPuomar ismmebol wdluo eucsa a crseeeda ni aicradc utupo.t reehT is eadsrcein espesrur ni the gihh oitacnlmp VR ichwh can geulb and oscpesmr teh V,L rascegndie tsi lepro.da Cate=rOH erat x eokrts oulvme nad teorsk omuvle si tiarpllay eeridentdm yb .podelar fI het nolaymrup moblesim si ragle uhgone, ti can lsoa brttusoc eth lamoupyrn evssesl nad tqeslsnbyuue not evah guenho dolbo inggo to the LA and LV, ttlyimeula kangmi hte ridacac uttpuo aner 0. +3
chj7  tOu fo all eth eetfnfrdi eptsy of cs,okh idcarac uttpuo is nciederas ylon in ieiivdtubtsr hsokc (e.i aapltcyah,cni )istep.c +1

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submitted by bfinard1(3)
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nCa oseomen lnexapi hyw cadarci tupout is ghih in etscip s?ckoh

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drdoom  caeartBi and aicalbert nsetopnmco kl(ie )SPL in orinccualti igtgrre smviesa ereales fo nocytiske ku1rIeni(-etn,l klnI6e-rieunt nda FTaN), eurltgnis tios.ovdliana aHetr aetr icssaeenr to ainmntia encted PB. +1
bfinard1  sI roekts uveoml ont faefctde yb hatt sesvmia loodiasiavt?n I wdoul knith if vsnoeu myests si dsavtdeailo hnet yuo'd evha drdeceu EDV rofm ddrcuee doblo wlfo ot hetra +
zedora  hotB fo uoy ear rc.retoc nI stcpei kohcs teher is a vmassei .daoivontslia nI rodre ot toeaensmcp rfo eth drceedu doolb prs,rusee theer is an esecdiran aehrt .erta oN,w eeknipg this in dmin, wtah is het CO fo?mlrua OC = RH x VS igth?R eLst sya rdune lraonm toinsincod HR is 60 mp&a; kSrtoe oevlmu si 50. oYur airdcac uoputt = 06 x 50 = .0030 owN ni icpste osch,k uoyr rhaet eatr is svymslai neasriedc btu royu tksero lmeuvo is eedasderc m.lynalmii So etsl uplg in eth bsrumn.e Lset sya, drenu ipscte ,kchos RH = 105 &pam; troeks emvuol si won 30. Teh cicaard touptu is now nagon eb = 051 x 03 = 0045, hceen your OC si sci.dnaeer In Stpeic kcSho, eth tehra atre is vymesails ncisrdeae rcmdoaep ot the umanot of VS esaeeddcr. +
drdoom  afb1@ridn By datv,linaosio I atomls svyxlueclei nema iaertalr tdooinsv.aail nehW ti eocms to C,V I saawly rkwo abkwarcd morf is“rft inileps”cr,p nad ni ym ewiv the rtifs ilippecrn fo eth CV semsty ,si atM“iiann serpsesru to ianatinm doog l.w”fo All eroth ncimaosomoctad of teh CV sysetm hacng(se in ghirtenot,]nrspy[to [cttepmoy]norhro,i ansriotvcstcinoo dna )iisdnloaaotv rea in srevc*ei* ot nngaatmiiin lo.wsf ituWtho oodg olw,sf ouy get het igtnh mhuan itsssue ielk eth st:lea tno kcla fo xegony btu oacnumltcuai of 2OC and( teh ctidyai that ogse thwi ti). +
drdoom  o,S lal ttah asw a n-dlngedwoi yaw of isngay hatt Craiacd Opuutt will enamir hihg when het odyb is crpodiung edi-ghrhridahn-eest vllese of O2C wn(he nragso dan eth emmiun smyest vahe egon nito ovvdeeirr to pesnodr to a ahtert or to srddase pmdsonocteinea in emso ohetr ptar fo hte sy)mset; teh emiumpntgl of acdaCri ptOutu rldshae eht igngnbeni of eth edn. tI sfineigis ahtt the trseesss gbnei demiosp no eht ybdo eeexcd het caspteaibiil of teh +

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submitted by calvin_and_hobbes(2)
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hyW is het T arnmlo in ihst atp?iten I owldu heav dcpretide grnidunyel nftniecio — i,e rfvee — efbreo enve ""lyear istcpe .hckos I deeestcl pciset hcsko lypeur rof the tbcaerinlta owl SVR eiptsde liudfs utb wnat to daesdnntru emor ubaot teh nbecase fo .ef..evr !skahnT

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drdoom  yEledlr d(an ipnmoiomr,umcmosed ryegenla)l do nto mtuon bortsu freve eesrnsosp to ractaibe dan erhto isimrc;orogsman in ,elerlyd thsi blpbyoar ahs ot od iwht nsdeei“”cl fo eht eanitn niuemm yemtss oury( asaghceompr, ndecdiirt ls,lec nooymtecs, .acp&;m, sujt 'tdon fiotunnc sa lelw as yteh dseu t.o) In hetor odrs,w if yuo ()1 wdpie uot nse'osmeo ummine mestys dna nhet 2)( enijdtec cbaearit otin trhie aosdltbom,re oyu 'nouldwt sevrboe yna reefv e.etihr heT pereensc of a “ipyatcl” nam(olr) eefvr ni na drleyle or muidmrnooisoepmmc ttepani acn be a supre cneinrocng gs:in etyh gtmih aehv a ganrig fioentnci no teh .isiend +
drdoom  o^rmf hte eclrai:t ebAnst“ or bletdun everf ssorenpe in het erldeyl. ehreT si elmap dneveice ttah a ltdbuen rfvee enopesrs to a urossei lbi,acatre ival,r ro luafng inincofet essggtus a preoor sspiorogn tnah oeds a rsotbu revfe opsrsnee ].1[3 nI itdod,ain hreet si a iatlutnsabs dbyo of tada, tslmoy orfm ialman dlmo,es atth rfvhotger—uhe tis sefetcf on neumim aficy—umntno be na taontpmir soth efdnsee scemnhmai 1]4[. Ryuhlog %3020%– fo dyeller noeprss wtih euiross atbarlice ro iavrl cnitsoneif iwll retensp wiht a beudnlt or eteyrlin nbsate eevfr opsenrse 1,3][,5.2” +

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by spaceboy98(22)
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The wya i oklo at hsit is eht aere.tmetrup

A ocmtryeihph tpietan wlil otslma wylaas spreten itwh pstice hcsko useaebc cpeits coshk nac rsnptee sa btho ephrmrayeiht ro pyehoimtahr

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athenathefirst  sDet'no sondu aur.cetac hTis tpnitea dah a onalmr e.ueprermatt +

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