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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 3/Question#29 (reveal difficulty score)
An 83-year-old man is brought to the ...
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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by hayayah(1212)
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ipSect coskh si a tpey of vdirtiitusbe chkso whcih si drmaek by smaesvi svoliintdoaa (td/ aramitfonlym r)pssonee agsnuci cdeedersa RS,V daerdsece rlepdoa / C,PWP dan cdeeriasn CO.

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smc213  pteicS schok cna aosl repenst htiw ryepimhoath &3lt;C6 +3
bethune  hyW is ti tno gtoletaasinrnits ibne?legd +4
beanie368  IG beldigen dwolu rpnetse tiwh rncseeaid VSR sa a sspeonre to ohlipyevoam +10
mysteriousmantyping  yWh duowl tihs otn be noyaulmrp so?limmbe +1
step1passfail  aPmlrnuoy mlbimseo ludow aeucs a eesadrce ni iarcacd pto.uut erThe si eiedcasnr rersuspe in het ghhi timloancp VR chhiw anc bugel adn rmcossep het ,VL erncaiesdg tis ep.adrol e=CaHrOt eart x srtoke vuolme dna setkor eoumlv is taaypillr eerdietmdn by dolr.epa I f the olmpuynar mmsbeoli si aeglr ogueh,n ti anc lsao bsutrcto teh pmurnylao sveless adn eussetuqbnly ont veah hgoune oodlb gigno to het LA adn LV, ailyettlmu ganmki the cdcriaa upoutt aren 0. +3
chj7  utO fo lla teh fietrdfne pstye fo csokh, dcairca ouutpt is casrenied lyno in iiubdirvtest okhcs .i(e hiny,aalpccat .eptsi)c +1

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submitted by bfinard1(3)
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nCa smoeeno ixalepn hyw cdciaar uttuop is gihh ni etcsip oks?hc

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drdoom  ireBacta dan cbteaarli snpmootecn ilek( S)LP in aitrnulocci terggir vssemia aelerse of eoikysntc rkie(nI-ltun1e, lk6etn-ruieIn nda FTN,a) urgstinel a.sdvaoonilti eHtar rate ceisaersn ot nimaaint ecetdn P.B +1
bfinard1  sI oerkst oluemv not tfcefaed yb hatt seasmiv dlat?aniivsoo I duolw nkhti fi nuvsoe metyss si aivodtdaesl nhte uy'od evha udderce EDV rmof udreecd ldoob lfow ot trhea +
zedora  toBh fo oyu rae ecror.ct nI stpice coskh treeh is a iessmva tasialion.odv In rreod to mtaspocene fro eth rueddec obold esru,rsep ereht is na aeidrsnce atehr atr.e oNw, inkegep shti ni d,mni ahtw is het OC aumlr?of OC = RH x SV itRgh? tseL ysa enudr omalnr dsonntocii HR is 60 ;ap&m Sortek olmuev si .50 Yoru aacdrci putotu = 60 x 50 = .3000 Now in sipcet csoh,k uryo aethr aert is ssaliyvm eeidrcnas but uyor sertko luvmoe is sreceadde iimamylnl. oS ltse pglu ni eht .ebmruns Lste ya,s erdun pcstei skhoc, RH = 105 ;& tokers eumovl si wno 3.0 Teh cadcira otuptu si nwo ngnao be = 015 x 30 = 045,0 echne uory OC is enserc.dai In ptcSei ohkcS, teh teahr trae is ismevlyas nsieearcd pdrcmaeo ot eth omtanu of VS cseddaere. +
drdoom  1ir@bnafd yB ioos,aivlntad I lomsat ielelucvxsy mane aarterli ldiotniav.oas nehW it esomc to CV, I wyasla rokw krcwbada mfro sift“r ”rel,pcspiin and ni ym veiw het fsrit ppinrelic fo eth CV tymess ,si a“ainnMit rupseessr to nianitam dgoo ”.folw All troeh ctomdmocsoinaa of het CV esymst h(cesgan ni tt]gnhrie[not,spory ietotpc]mo[h,nyrro nottravsisoiocnc dna inlaaiodtov)s rea in *sicvre*e ot niiatiagmnn fo.wsl hotWuti oogd fol,sw ouy etg the ihgnt amuhn eissuts ielk eht sae:lt nto ckal of enogxy tub icnaucotaulm fo 2CO n(ad eth idatiyc atht esgo iwth )it. +
drdoom  o,S lla that swa a denl-dgoiwn yaw fo snaygi ttah caairdC utputO wlil eriamn gihh ewhn teh doby is prcnuidog -erhrgtnehseidhdai- vselel of 2CO (nwhe soangr dan eth eummin ytsmse vhea ogne iton eeviodvrr to sreodpn to a ratthe ro to adsdrse nodompieetnasc in eoms toehr tpra of hte s;)etmsy hte emtglinump fo racCdai uuOttp erlshda het begnngiin fo het nde. It fgeiiniss taht eth sstrsese bnegi espidom on hte dyob edeecx hte etsabipicial of eth s.ymste +

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submitted by calvin_and_hobbes(2)
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Why si eth T anlmro in tish an?epitt I duwol hvae idpreecdt ygdneunilr nifnoietc — ,ie fveer — ofeebr eevn ryel"a" tsepci .schko I lsdectee ptcsei choks uplrey fro het atrtleaibnc wlo SRV estdiep ulifds tbu want ot nrndsteadu mroe aubto eht bnaeecs of ee.f..vr khT!sna

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drdoom  eEldrly (nad omdmurncomsepio,im agrneyell) od nto tnoum osbrut vfeer sronpssee to itbcreaa and tohre srainoiosrcm;gm ni yed,lrel ihst bobrplay ash ot do hitw iee“dsnlc” fo eth itnena unmemi etsyms ruo(y grpeac,asohm ndidrtice l,ecls ntscom,yoe &.p,;mca tsju dnto' niounftc sa llwe as yhet euds o.t) nI etroh ,sodrw if yuo 1() ipedw out nemoe'sos uneimm mseyts adn enht )(2 iecdjnet abeacirt itno rieht let,asrobdmo oyu 'dtlwonu ebvsreo nya rfeve i.eetrh The prsneece fo a i”cy“talp (lnr)amo fvere in na rdeylle ro irimsmnouepmodcom atntepi anc be a peurs ierccnnngo gsin: hyet htgmi veah a agnigr nfoiicetn on teh +
drdoom  mo^rf the cletria: tAe“nbs ro bltnedu vfeer ssoerpen ni eth eheTr is mepal evncidee ahtt a tendblu veref oseepnsr to a orusesi leiaacbr,t l,ravi or nugafl nioetfnci ssgsetgu a erporo sporsigon ahnt dose a usortb eefvr erpnsseo 31][. In in,didoat trehe is a atnlastbius odby of at,ad stmoly rfom amlnai ldoe,sm ahtt hvegfhrr—eout ist efctefs no mmiune na—tnymcoiuf be na trnpmioat soth dseefen nmasmihce ]4.[1 oylgRhu –03%02% fo relyedl sroesnp iwht erisuos airetclba ro lraiv fnesitonci lwli rsnetpe hitw a debultn ro etrinyle teabsn eefvr ssrenope 13,.,[2”5] +

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by spaceboy98(22)
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Teh ywa i okol ta tish is eth mpetuae.rert

A hhcyrimteop ienattp lwli olsmta ysaalw tenreps tihw ectips kochs caeesbu isecpt kchos cna tsperen as ohtb rreiphtmhyae ro rmteaypiohh

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athenathefirst  Ds'eton dosnu ecu.atrac sTih tpainte adh a rmanol umreta.repet +

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