acrBeiat and cbalareit scometnnop (like S)PL in icrutonlaic rrgiteg essiavm rleaese of cksyoitne i,1tunInr-elke( ln6rkei-tneuI dna F),TNa lgrsientu aosintlvdoa.i etarH eart asesenric ot atiamnin decnte .BP
Is trkseo vumelo not fdcaeetf yb hatt aissvem nvaiodl?itaso I lwodu ntihk if nvoeus ytssem si dstaaedivlo nteh 'duoy eavh ddcuree DEV from deerdcu oodlb fwol ot tehra
hBto fo yuo era rt.croec In etcpis skohc ehrte si a msesiva .vointdlaoisa In rdeor to temnpoasec ofr het ueddrce ldobo ,resprsue hetre si an iecnesdar hrtea .rtea o,wN ikgnpee isth ni mnid, htwa is the CO r?amoluf CO = RH x VS tRgih? Lets asy urned nolrma oicnoitnsd HR si 60 m;ap& rStoek lumvoe si 5.0 rouY accaidr ptoutu = 60 x 50 = 0.003 owN ni icsept sko,ch your ahrte etra is vymsalsi rcdiaesne ubt yruo sotkre lveomu is edserdeac illmmnay.i oS tels lgup ni the .munbesr tsLe asy, enurd tcpsie k,hsco HR = 015 ma&;p tskreo voueml is wno 0.3 Teh cdciara tuupot is onw nango be = 015 x 30 = 0045, hneec oruy CO is eidcas.enr nI etcSpi ho,ckS the terha eart is livmasyse enscidear marocdep to teh antumo of SV rseceed.da
n1ibdfra@ By a,nsidoloivat I stlamo xvesyeicllu naem atelrair vsanialido.ot enWh it oemsc to VC, I ylaswa rokw ardcbakw rofm rfsti“ r”p,iisclnpe and ni ym viwe the rsift pircipenl of teh VC esytms ,is a“Minnait eusrersps ot aniaimnt gdoo fowl”. llA otrhe toiacacmnmosod of eth CV tsymse n(seagch ni rott,pshen[nirtgyo] ,[o]nmirytrpoocthe aorvsocntosiinct dna tidai)losanov are ni ri*v*eesc ot itiaignnanm w.lsfo ttiWuoh odog sfol,w uoy tge het tihgn unahm istsues klei the l:aest otn lkca of yxogne btu louuctcaamin fo OC2 dn(a hte iyctida thta seog whti .it)
o,S all hatt wsa a -dgnilndoew yaw of nyiasg ahtt acCdrai Ouutpt will mnraei hihg hnew teh body is cnpruoigd srreeidhig-dhh-aten vslele fo 2OC (newh osrang dan teh imenum stsmye vaeh gone tion viervorde ot redospn ot a rhttea or to sddaesr atmcoeeoidpnns ni osme rohte aptr of hte te;mss)y hte mnguiemtpl fo riaCcda utuOpt sadhelr the gniienngb fo teh d.ne tI ignefsiis htat eth etsesssr neigb sopemdi no het dyob ceedex eht tilaipabscei of eht ye.msts
submitted by ∗hayayah(1212)
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$279$49epScti hkosc si a tepy of dubiittviser koshc whhic is emdkra by avsesim aolovidatins t(/d aolytmnarifm rn)ssepeo gusnaic reedcaesd VSR, cdeeerasd eloprda / C,PWP dan eanscdeir OC.