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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 3/Question#29 (reveal difficulty score)
An 83-year-old man is brought to the ...
Early septic shock 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by hayayah(1212)
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epScti hkosc si a tepy of dubiittviser koshc whhic is emdkra by avsesim aolovidatins t(/d aolytmnarifm rn)ssepeo gusnaic reedcaesd VSR, cdeeerasd eloprda / C,PWP dan eanscdeir OC.

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smc213  etciSp hksoc acn asol ntrepse htwi yioraphthme t&36;Cl +3
bethune  yhW si ti tno inttorslnisgaate ?deilgneb +4
beanie368  GI dbgienle wuold nrsetpe itwh eearsicnd RSV as a spoeenrs to lhmvpeooyia +10
mysteriousmantyping  hWy lwduo tihs ton be rnlmapuoy si?mboeml +1
step1passfail  yaunPlrmo bimolmes uolwd asecu a rcdeeaes ni cdrcaai ut.upot eTerh si radicense srsreuep ni eht hihg imanptcol VR hhwci cna lgebu dna percssmo the ,LV nescdegair tsi la.droep tra=eOCH aetr x srotek movleu nda rtoske volmue is itpryllaa dntemieerd by If the panromuyl omilsbem is argel nheg,uo ti cna laso urosbttc het pluaonmry lssesve and lbynssetequu ton aehv oguhne dloob noigg ot eht AL adn LV, ltluytaemi kgaimn eth cdaacri toutup rnae .0 +3
chj7  uOt fo lal the trfnfeedi eptsy fo ,hskoc dciaarc ttpouu is cadeisner noyl ni tevbuidsriit schok e(i. caahnaiyclt,p .c)eptis +1

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submitted by bfinard1(3)
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anC eseonom ilnaexp hyw acacidr uputot si ihhg in cstipe schok?

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drdoom  acrBeiat and cbalareit scometnnop (like S)PL in icrutonlaic rrgiteg essiavm rleaese of cksyoitne i,1tunInr-elke( ln6rkei-tneuI dna F),TNa lgrsientu aosintlvdoa.i etarH eart asesenric ot atiamnin decnte .BP +1
bfinard1  Is trkseo vumelo not fdcaeetf yb hatt aissvem nvaiodl?itaso I lwodu ntihk if nvoeus ytssem si dstaaedivlo nteh 'duoy eavh ddcuree DEV from deerdcu oodlb fwol ot tehra +
zedora  hBto fo yuo era rt.croec In etcpis skohc ehrte si a msesiva .vointdlaoisa In rdeor to temnpoasec ofr het ueddrce ldobo ,resprsue hetre si an iecnesdar hrtea .rtea o,wN ikgnpee isth ni mnid, htwa is the CO r?amoluf CO = RH x VS tRgih? Lets asy urned nolrma oicnoitnsd HR si 60 m;ap& rStoek lumvoe si 5.0 rouY accaidr ptoutu = 60 x 50 = 0.003 owN ni icsept sko,ch your ahrte etra is vymsalsi rcdiaesne ubt yruo sotkre lveomu is edserdeac illmmnay.i oS tels lgup ni the .munbesr tsLe asy, enurd tcpsie k,hsco HR = 015 ma&;p tskreo voueml is wno 0.3 Teh cdciara tuupot is onw nango be = 015 x 30 = 0045, hneec oruy CO is eidcas.enr nI etcSpi ho,ckS the terha eart is livmasyse enscidear marocdep to teh antumo of SV rseceed.da +
drdoom  n1ibdfra@ By a,nsidoloivat I stlamo xvesyeicllu naem atelrair vsanialido.ot enWh it oemsc to VC, I ylaswa rokw ardcbakw rofm rfsti“ r”p,iisclnpe and ni ym viwe the rsift pircipenl of teh VC esytms ,is a“Minnait eusrersps ot aniaimnt gdoo fowl”. llA otrhe toiacacmnmosod of eth CV tsymse n(seagch ni rott,pshen[nirtgyo] ,[o]nmirytrpoocthe aorvsocntosiinct dna tidai)losanov are ni ri*v*eesc ot itiaignnanm w.lsfo ttiWuoh odog sfol,w uoy tge het tihgn unahm istsues klei the l:aest otn lkca of yxogne btu louuctcaamin fo OC2 dn(a hte iyctida thta seog whti .it) +
drdoom  o,S all hatt wsa a -dgnilndoew yaw of nyiasg ahtt acCdrai Ouutpt will mnraei hihg hnew teh body is cnpruoigd srreeidhig-dhh-aten vslele fo 2OC (newh osrang dan teh imenum stsmye vaeh gone tion viervorde ot redospn ot a rhttea or to sddaesr atmcoeeoidpnns ni osme rohte aptr of hte te;mss)y hte mnguiemtpl fo riaCcda utuOpt sadhelr the gniienngb fo teh tI ignefsiis htat eth etsesssr neigb sopemdi no het dyob ceedex eht tilaipabscei of eht ye.msts +

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by calvin_and_hobbes(2)
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yWh is teh T omlnar in tish e?pitant I lwuod heav iddeptecr lngudiynre nnftioice — ,ie eevfr — froebe vene aylre"" estpci oksc.h I electdes itpcse ckhso upelry ofr eth nlbarttcaie wlo VSR siepdte sifldu tub natw to dduratensn mero obuta teh cebsnae of Tnhsk!a

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drdoom  dElerly (dna ocum,imseimpdoornm nelry)ealg do tno omtun usrobt vreef pnsseroes to recatiba dna ehrot miancsogirs;orm in lyedlr,e this blpryaob has ot do htwi neised”c“l of eth tienna emnmui metyss ry(uo aogmea,rhcps tcdnirdie ll,esc ns,oymoetc cm.;&,ap ustj dot'n ouintcfn as llew as etyh sued t)o. nI rhteo w,rdos fi ouy (1) dpiwe uot mnossee'o ummeni tsysme dna hnte 2() detciejn eibcarat otni rthie ,rbtdemsoalo ouy owuldt'n robsvee any fever ietreh. ehT crenseep fo a ”ca“tliyp larn)(om efrev in na eyldelr or smidpmomcimoeunor ptteani nca eb a spreu nreoginccn gs:ni yteh gmiht eavh a igngar tneofniic on eht i.endsi +
drdoom  o^mfr het ltircea: A“nsbet or nltdeub rfeve npsersoe in eht yel.erdl Theer is elpam endeecvi htat a bntdelu vfeer opssnere ot a oserius btrcealia, rl,via ro ulgafn etfcninoi uegsssgt a roeopr ngossiorp ntah sdoe a srubto rveef seoprsne 1[.]3 In ntdi,dioa trhee si a tbualsatins ybod of adat, lsmyot frmo aimaln oelsmd, taht hotvu—erfegrh sti eeffcts no uimnem acyumfot—inn eb an omatipntr tosh efdeens sciamenhm 14][. Ryuholg %2003–% of yreeldl sropens hwti essiuor cltibeaar ro alivr ontficsnei lwil nesretp iwht a bludetn or ltnreyie nebsta rvefe epersson ,25.,1][3” +

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by spaceboy98(22)
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eTh awy i oklo at sthi si het t.treuerapme

A hrtemcpyiho iattnpe wlil sotalm aaylws steepnr whti cepist oshck esuabce epicst cohks acn etesrpn sa boht hmrteryahipe or haopytrhmie

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athenathefirst  Dnot'se odnus rut.cceaa siTh pntiaet had a mranlo mttpe.erreau +

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