atWh I wsa alyelr okliong ofr as an sawrne to isth onitqesu saw eTpy II eunostceypm "mes(t lc"les of hte ealt-&lov-;gi can iidved niot rome eypT I adn Tpye II e;spyuncmeot aols kema fc.staruna)t
tncmnnieae"a fo MB gte"triyin mssee to be the xetn ebts e,sposrne tub I ylrale dha to sjut leru tuo tevgyierhn e:sel ronoit-af-m fo ouagtnanrli ssteui ;-g&-t wne ccieevotnn usstie riooanmft ttha fisll a o;nduw lluf ryoevrce of ngul essiut duolw euiqrer wne ap,itillhee nto tcveeoicnn si-rud iss-eeaenct giionenagses ;tg-&- I uluyasl ihtnk utaob rceanc ro lnutngiaaro esutis hnew I erha leats-a-menaissneg iiaopg of emylsmnhcea secll to stnmoeycupe t-&-;g ytpe II ynspocteume aer eth oerpcrurs rof ewn y-fntrrspoa oceulmnteeioip- of absoblrifst &g;--t isth si onggi ot ievg yuo sbfsioir in eht n,ulg wichh is ont hwta ouy twna nweh gienlah fmor emipnoaun
submitted by โabkapoor(20)
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$279$49stuJ to flcai,ry eeopmlct otulesnoir rtefa nijryu nac ylon crocu if het eamtsebn mmbaenre riaenms ntcita as tish eowbl shit is rhwee eth mset sllec era .doaeclt fI eehrt si geamad ot hte eesbnmat a,ermbemn uoy iwll ehva epncmtiloe rtlneisouo nda rcsa otianfom.r heT estb expealm of tsih is ksin rn.iyju