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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 1/Question#7 (reveal difficulty score)
A 5-year-old girl with AIDS develops a ...
Thymidine kinase ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: pharm repeat

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submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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r,oilycvcA cirfvo,cailm rlvccilvaaoy aer enuonsgia .gsanlao Tyeh ndugoer rocvneinso ot clvcraiyo opoasmhtnhpeo iva rsuiv ddeoenc -ienikathnm.edsyi iylmlUtaet, teyh ihtbiin rival AND elrsopmyea yb ciahn t.ennrtiomia

tteMuad ialvr deyhmniti kaeins nca scuea

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len49  asFotencr nad ovdriCifo on teh orhet nhda od ont rrueeiq sanplhioporthyo yb rlaiv kas,nei rhtfeeero dsluoh eb usde ni rssatin atht rea nhosw to eb rnaei.tsst +6
l0ud_minority  sThi osla dpndees no eth csureo celoitur ash a etelcru no Hsip-tnAeer n:Astge eydTihmni inKesa Atngse โ€“ latArniiv Dsurg yb nirPav eSkl,uh DM and it tsaest htta sasitnert suntomtai nca ccuro ni dyenihiTm Kesnai or NAD paryeeslom. SB MOSA easstt mMheaincs of ilvtanira ssncereita is matntoiu in iralv ieindTymh niesaKI etah ehwn oruessc otcdnrctai hcae ohetr. +
abhishek021196  I itknh ti is a ntotmiau in HSTO dytimnihe naieks ot kShceyt - aths't why seh si ton silpusebect to anatilvrsi ttah uerireq postlnophyaroih in shot clle ni rrode to eb tica.evadt +1

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submitted by andremosq(9)
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itsh inuoeqts si gsnkai atbou ahmmecins of eercsntsia fo crlviA,coy cifcm,oirlva vcy.alcravoli yTeh rea rdoMhnetloaooyphsp yb VZVH/VS edimyhnti .llia inaiksnceC eu:s VHS adn mMaZ.hsne VicV fo etceisr:ans tuteMda ravil itydnemhi nesaki

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by nafilnaf(1)
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thWa sdoe hse h?eva My ssuptmioan swa atht seh swa ttgineg NTIsR ofr /DVHSAII hwhci tge hsltpordpoehay by SHTO ihmdtinye ieakssn dan teh icsmanhme rof rivla raeteinssc si mnitasuot in eresrve apsesaictrntr

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azibird  I hntik hes sha xec,opinchk aduesc yb lreaasr-ztoecliv sriv.u rFmo AF 0202 p c 8a:esil13rVu" hasr sbeing no r;ntuk rapdses to ceaf D dan imetiesxert hitw snelsio fo f"essintagfe etdr +4

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