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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 1/Question#49 (reveal difficulty score)
A 56-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Fibromuscular hyperplasia of arterioles ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +13  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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aCes of r.losaoeorsricsielt

pieplytrHsac rrioiolssleroesatc lsiovenv nightkicen of seesvl awll by yprhaapiesl of mhoost lmcues n-'ikn(oisno 'rppceeana)a

  • cenCqouesne of taainmnlg tirnesepyonh 811tg/0&(;02 w/ ceatu r-gadneno a)mgade
  • uRstesl ni dcdruee velses breiacl iwth nae-drngo eicasihm
  • yaM laed to nbiidfori rosscnei fo eth vslese lwal ihwt ;rghohmeare laiclsylcsa ceasus eacut elran uiearlf (A)FR iwth a hctcteisrarica elabe-tt'n'if pcaapranee
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masonkingcobra  oFrm RFi clnrb:riusbmous 'oab lapyssadi is a faloc reguliarr ntngkhceii fo the aswll of ediesu-mzmid adn rgale lmsuruac erairtes eud ot a bicnnoimtao of eiadml dna lntaiim ahlpeiayspr adn iofssrbi. It can ieasftmn at yna eag tub cuocrs osmt uytlerqfne ni yogun menwo. heT cfaol allw itignnkche ltrssue ni lminaul sinosset or can eb dieoatcass iwht alabmron vslees aspms thta scruede lcusvara f;olw in eth anerl reesria,t ti can edal ot vecsaalnrrou riny.ohpesten enBtewe the lfoca sstmgnee of iketnhdec all,w hte atrery fneto sola bhiestxi meaidl tiae;utaonnt saavlcur chstuouopnig anc opelvde ni hetes oprontsi of hte elssve nda eoetimssm errutpu. +1
asapdoc  I gtothhu this was a wledyir rdewod I emaideyitlm ( lpt)iudsy cedrsos of ufcaomilrburs sldipsaay sneci it santw a onuyger omwne /= +26
uslme123  I swa iihnktng ngalantim plorhsrseciesno ... ubt I segsu 'doyu get ishcplyrpeat sriertae tfirs --_ +1
hello  eTh warnse ciceoh si moafculrbrius EYiaPspHRal - I tkhni thsi is ffdrneeti rofm uurmcosirflab aiSapYDsl e(ens in yougn wne;mo) +36
yotsubato  lolhe is ih.rgt cFsmoabuuirlr leiypasarhp si eigihntcnk of eht umrculas elray of teh trlioeaer in eonsrpes to chnrcio esehinyrpnot sa( eth tnqeosui semt eimpsli) +10
smc213  ruuamoblcFrsi syiHpperala sv aer yudposlsep eth ESMA itnhg ithw ielplmut msn.ea uFbal iuscorrm slaayid,sp sola nkown sa uumlbrfrascio yprlahap,ise dmleai a,rhipayespl ro aliratre ssy,dpilaa is a lreaityvel mumcnoon tiucllamfo rrtailea essedia fo nnkwuno c,aseu aatecehdzcrri by orosloanhtcetreinc omtnsaibelrai lnvngovii teh ootmsh scluem, oifrbsu nad tilcesa esu,tis fo asmll- ot -iiededmmzus tlriaera a.sll wlh./alluowi/nftpr//biuai:csdrmi_eacosays.mwttcdmlwrepk +3
smc213  osryr* I dha to tpos htsi escabeu ti swa uFubiuos!lnnmrfgcrso!c*!ai sadlaspyi is stom mmcono ni emonw wteeebn eth gaes of 40 of nad 6,0 tbu eth odionntci can aslo uoccr in irhldecn dna eht ld.yeelr The imoyrtaj roe(m htna 9)%0 of epsantit wiht FMD rea omne.w eoe,rwHv nem anc oals vhae DMF, dna steoh owh do aehv a hriheg rksi of pmsoniictclao chsu sa yarnsesum gg(binlu) or cisetisdsno sea(t)r ni hte retieras. /slmhcf1yoscir0tlsauispttrflvpagiale/dey7e/:h-hbil1s0laudesenma-rs/odcc..n/-maid +2
momina_amjad  heeTs eoutsnisq are diignvr em yaz-rc lfbumarrusoci allpraaeish/asdiyspyp si the emsa tnih,g nad ti is NOT siht inneortaepst dna ti 'sdneto eerfr ot ioarclssreosiloret esen ni gnmnlatia NT!H Is teh TNH a us,cae or a neoeuqs?cecn I eadr it sa igneb eht ecsau ldn(oeltncuor NHT fro mnya e)fI rasy ti was het eo,cnecqeuns eht tonrsnatpiee is isllt tno accslai!ls --_ +2
charcot_bouchard  oPor cneolldtor HNT si hte uesac heer +1
charcot_bouchard  oAls uysg if u tkea ti as ubirFcamsurol ssydiapla nglituers in RSA neon fo the asrewn occeih ahmscet +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—chandlerbas(118)
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sereve neyrsetpnhoi selad ot yrlhpeatispc arorosietilcsrseol glidena ot rlessrehpilritorsoaoocen 1'FA(8 -g-p 729)

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—cry2mucheveryday(20)
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uarcbFluomris aehlyisprpa iwll seuac rpe nelar .ioeamzta .S UBNrC/ is g0;2t& ni per lnrae ieatmaoz btu in eht qnuisote tis uveal is naveicditi of tisinncir enlra .elafiru evyr gi!ncosfun!

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charcot_bouchard  oNt are,lyl nypeosintHo csaue erp laenr .tameoaiz eeHr olgn tsidanng NHT nlterugsi ni ned naorg gmaeda so crtiniins raeln irfueal +3
cry2mucheveryday  !guh i usjt dotneic e'trshe a rlfiay onlg ho/ fo lorpoy olrtlednoc THN ihchw amkes ihst instueqo pismrle w.on ns!hk!Ta +1
j44n  otrrieeasl aer in het ya wnko liek aeeertteff/nernff LEOERTARI @ teh l.gom fi sthi wsa in het anrel tyarer he'd ehva per rlena zeaomati +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—athenathefirst(7)
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Hwo do ouy wkon eth wnsaer is tno ?E I eocsh E bcueaes I thotugh of TNA :( oSemone hlpe eaples

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lovebug  I am tno esru. utb I hhoutgt )E uletpilm he-eapwsdgde oclrtica tnracfi . udloc eb ucnided yb impuletl eimoblsm fo te.rayr ro meolpetc lcsobk of lslam trerya iogns.lo.cbukentajc( of oobld nuji)cont utb sthi asce aws syhetpclpria saoeeossclil.rirotr +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—j44n(141)
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I ehdat ighntereyv obuat tehse rwsane cecihos

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—lickmyass(0)
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Wyh nto tilMpleu nlrae yarret syemnr?usa I asw ohnwrt ffo by het ritpesondci fo syiphatrlcpe irrtelsaioerosclos nda os I etnw wthi stih hc.coie I tthouhg tipcayhlresp loirrsteacesoslrio may aedl ot ioibrifnd scsrioen of eht veelss wall whti ahgoe.hrmer

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hiroshimi  I khtni elacyrtphspi rcolsirsteisaoer naimeng htta teh wlal of het atrery is hektric, dan that orrswan het ,nlmeu kmgnai it omre "its"ff and drcuee m.niecoclap tIs' txeclya what uoy ese in tpatien itwh .HNT inTkh taubo pt tihw ictrao tssnsieo, sit' is.alirm nI tcoatr,ns in asuyr,men het lwla fo eth tarrey si cyluaalt erhni,nt eht awll si e,kweande tshat' yhw i'ts raisee to upturr,e khitn abuto teh ritoca e,yasnumr 'tsi roem llikye ot reprutu if's ton rdeteta. +2

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