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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 3/Question#29 (reveal difficulty score)
An 83-year-old man is brought to the ...
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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by hayayah(1212)
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itcpeS cohsk is a yept fo ttedrisvuiib hckso ichhw is mkeard yb ameivss ladnisotvioa t/(d foamnlmtriya oressne)p ugcinsa dsaeecerd S,RV csddaeree radolpe / WP,PC dan diserncae O.C

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smc213  tceSpi cskoh acn slao esternp hitw mtpoyeraihh &;l6t3C +3
bethune  yWh is ti not tinlortagenssati eil?nbdge +4
beanie368  IG lneiegbd dwoul tnseper whit disecnaer SRV as a spsenoer ot oloypmiveha +10
mysteriousmantyping  Why wolud htis nto be nopualrym bilmoe?sm +1
step1passfail  oyuPnalrm mbliosem owlud ueacs a ecaesrde ni icdaarc tptuuo. reheT is nrcsedaei sprsruee in eth hhig matolcpin RV wichh nca geubl and emrscops hte ,VL aecngidesr ist oldrape. atCHr=eO arte x oskrte oemluv adn osertk emouvl is paalriylt ideetemdnr by d.ropael I f eht ymporlnua mislbmeo si lrega uo,ehgn ti nca lsao btucrost eht pnruaolmy vssslee dna esusunelbtqy ont ahve ouheng odblo gigon ot het LA and VL, ytmetlliau giknma teh cidaarc opuutt aern .0 +3
chj7  uOt of lal the nreeffdit tpeys of ,kohsc ciaacrd otuptu is ridneeacs ylon ni vdbtieisuitr hckso (.ei iatcapy,nhlac .e)icpst +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by bfinard1(3)
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anC oeomnes xleipan ywh dicaacr touutp is ghhi in stpiec csohk?

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drdoom  ieaBcrat nda aebialctr otsmncpoen (eikl P)LS in anirclitouc irrgtge imvsaes eaeserl of tikyocsen nte(,iun-e1lIkr eenirlk-tnIu6 dan aF,TN) gisletrnu liavidon.tsoa aHtre aret nceaessir ot inimatna detnec B.P +1
bfinard1  Is srekot umoevl tno etffedac yb hatt saevsim ?oiolaiatsdnv I owuld khtni fi eusnvo eystsm is svilaaedtdo tnhe oyud' vaeh deredcu DVE mofr urecdde lodbo olwf to tehra +
zedora  Bhto fo you ear rt.ccero In cpstei hkosc erhet is a svmseai oi.dvaisnlato In erord ot naesotcmpe rof hte eudecrd oolbd repseurs, eethr si na ieadcsnre taher eta.r Nwo, ingkpee hits in i,dnm hawt is the OC rmlfo?au OC = HR x VS gti?hR esLt ays drune raolnm cndotsiino RH is 06 ;apm& keStor mluvoe si 5.0 Yoru acdaric upuott = 60 x 50 = 00.30 oNw ni icetsp ck,hos uory aehrt etra si imlyvass dnseairce but your kretos olemuv is sdreceade mlln.iamiy So elts gulp ni the s.benrmu Ltse yas, ndrue tpcesi oc,ksh RH = 051 &pam; ketsro meuvol is wno 03. hTe acicdar uuptot is wno ngoan be = 051 x 03 = 005,4 cnhee your OC is isdce.rean In Scepti hSok,c the rateh ater is vasylmesi enidceras rpdmceao to hte tmanuo fo SV e.dderecas +
drdoom  anidbr1f@ yB a,iodsnltovia I lostam vclyeisluxe mena ratalire avsodnita.oil hWen it csmoe to C,V I yaaswl rwok bacakwdr fomr irst“f l,pscnpi”ire nad in my wiev eth ritsf leriipncp of teh VC ymests s,i ai“ntiMna essresrup ot ninaaimt odog olfw.” llA rteoh casmmnoaitoodc fo teh VC syesmt esc(hgna in syooe,]nnprrgtt[ith iteyr]o,nmrphtco[o iioonctaovsncrts adn satnooadlvi)i aer ni eie*vcs*r ot gmaitnianni fwol.s tthiuWo dogo swlf,o yuo egt teh ghnti mhanu tiesssu elki hte l:seta ton lack of ygnxeo ubt lacotucuamni fo C2O (dan the cidyait ttha eogs hiwt .)ti +
drdoom  ,oS all ahtt saw a eglwd-idonn wya of aynigs ahtt acCrdai puttOu ilwl renami hihg wnhe teh bdyo si oncrdipgu hnetshahr-eedrgid-i lseevl fo CO2 wen(h onrsag nad the umenmi seytms haev ogen ntio erdorivev ot soedpnr ot a rhtaet ro ot esasrdd ondeoaiempctns in omes hetro artp fo hte etsmsy); hte teugnmipml of Craaidc Otutup shdlera eth egngiinbn fo eht ne.d It sieigisnf ahtt eht restsses egibn idmeosp on hte dyob xeedce the lbacsiipeait of the sms.yet +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by calvin_and_hobbes(2)
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Why si eht T lramno in itsh it?tnepa I would evha rcpeeitdd nluyidegnr fcteinoin — ,ei eevrf — ereobf evne earl"y" itecps .okchs I leectdse piestc sohck eyrlpu fro hte lnbcirtetaa olw RVS eieptds lsufid tub ntwa to udrdsntena eomr tbaou teh ncsbeea of ve.r.ef. !Tshkna

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drdoom  leyrldE n(ad piicsmudnemmorm,oo lrnay)gele od ton nmuot otusbr vefre oressnpes ot taceairb dna herot gonsmirsoc;amri ni dlle,eyr stih byoplbra has to do thiw e“sn”ilced of teh niante uimmne eysmts (ryuo gmraaphco,se necriditd l,slec tcoesnm,yo cpa&,;.m jtus d'tno uconitfn as llew sa htye udse )ot. In rheto dwso,r fi ouy )1( edpiw tuo oeo'essnm iemmun yestsm nad hnet )2( entdiejc tirbcaea onit ihtre barmotdslo,e you n'dwutlo verebso nya vfeer ti.reeh Teh neperecs of a aic”“ytlp oa()mrln fveer in na lledyer or nomecmsourmpmoiid teniatp nca be a resup nonnegcrci gis:n ehty gtmhi veha a rggani ciefontin on teh .ineids +
drdoom  o^rfm teh rlti:eca tenb“As ro dnluebt revef esnesrpo in hte ely.erdl ehTre is mleap eceenidv atht a buetdnl fveer eoessrpn to a eosruis eirt,lbaca a,vril or nguafl ncienoift gtsusesg a oorper grposoins nhta eods a osurbt eferv nosrspee 3[]1. nI d,odnitia eterh is a snutbsaaitl doby of taad, otslmy orfm alnaim ,olsemd atth er—fuhghetrov its csfetef on muinme otuinyn—amcf eb na mattpoirn osth eesfden nshmcimae ]4[1. lguyhoR –%0%320 of dleerly orpessn htwi seiousr becrtaila or vilra nionietcsf lliw pnretse htiw a dntleub ro iretlney aebstn revfe osnereps 5,,.”312][ +

 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by spaceboy98(22)
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eTh ywa i oolk at thsi is eht pretuame.tre

A hpocirhymte entpati will samlto wyalsa netsper twhi esipct sockh ueceasb stciep chsok can ntspree as obht perratehmyhi ro rtyiempohha

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athenathefirst  toeDns' udsno rcatcue.a Tish npaetti had a rnlaom prt.meaerute +

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