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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 4/Question#6 (reveal difficulty score)
A 51-year-old man develops diaphoresis, ...
Alcohol withdrawal ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: pharm

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submitted by โˆ—neonem(629)
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cAolloh wlawadirth dales to a -esiyelcihtyhaictpvmaepiy-trkt sonryemd hwti rtrmeso, NH,T ,asmnioni GI s,uept esipad,isroh nda idlm tiatnioga 363- uohsr etarf teh atsl rTehe si a s,imlari ubt uuysall sygillth rtal,e learovp fo whratialdw iuszrese 64-8 srhuo taefr teh lats nr.dik

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baja_blast  p. 585 in AF .2910 +

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submitted by โˆ—neovanilla(57)
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Fro tsoeh suircuo hwy t'si otn ,D eht ayw I nseareod ti otu saw ttha .1 ethy eerw gnirfreer ot oso,ipid os 2. laawthiwdr ulowd be

raiehaDr p(tpooeis of tpnitosniaoc that thye ele)f + Mni rsueasadisay (ppotoise fo hte ieormPsoeiruSsisizteoc i l)ne are ,rera dna rhytee' oemr deitsoasac ihtw alcoohl (and loas o)nbszYeo u yma tge mild psrnethieoyn

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misterdoctor69  The ohceci siad tao"cicrN apin iaotimn"ecd ont rlhwdatawi to eht cntoaicr npai med.s Ardvsee stffece of tcrasinco uwold be sn,oonpcaitti ss,miio dna saiotrrpyer deipreoss.n +1

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